Hi, I'm not sure if my copy ismediocreor what, but pictures I took tends to be not so sharp as what I hard from the forums, but ever since I got this lens I wished that I had gotten F2.8 instead for the faster shutter speed (as I suspect my hands are really shaky that's causing the blur) It was sent back to canon for repair and I got it back and nothing changed. could it be the camera? it's all mysterious to me.This is the 2nd copy that I had. I'm not sure if it helps but I got it from Sammy's camera instead of usual B&H. From what I know this lens is suppose to shoot well down to 1/15 but even at 1/60 the image is still blurry, I've tried to tripod the lens, and same thing, am I expecting too much from a none macro lens(to have the same macro sharpness)?