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Thread: Zeiss ZE 35 1.4 vs Rokinon 35 unofficial comparison

  1. #11
    Senior Member William's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Zeiss ZE 35 1.4 vs Rokinon 35 unofficial comparison

    I am pretty trigger happy aren't I. I do long shifts and have a PC beside me. I've just finished reading the whole of wikipedia and now I'm bugging everyone on TDP. [:#]

    No not yet. Got to get some funds together first. I've sold a photo package including a calendar for $1,500, but the client doesn't need it till Nov. Got a picture being framed for sale in Perth $480, and two photos that have made the final 15 in a competition with $1,000 prize money. I haven't seen a single dollar yet but with all this pimping myself out I should make a buck or two then get the lens.

    I was only joking about reading all of Wikipedia, I'm only halfway. [:P]

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Zeiss ZE 35 1.4 vs Rokinon 35 unofficial comparison

    You're funny!! Great news on all the "pimping"!! I hope to get some funds coming in soon, too! I should be selling some prints here before the summer is out. I need to get some more of my shots up on my website(very generic right now...greggFotography,com...)....there is only 2 galleries, and I need to sooooo much more. but with another little one on the way, and my wife cracking the whip on my ass to get things done, and off the computer...well. That's one reason why I like the ZE 35 much...shots out of it really don't need too much post!!!


  3. #13
    Senior Member William's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Zeiss ZE 35 1.4 vs Rokinon 35 unofficial comparison

    A slight typo in your web address Gregg. Try a period instead of a comma : ) Nice photo

  4. #14
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Brisbane, Australia

    Re: Zeiss ZE 35 1.4 vs Rokinon 35 unofficial comparison

    As a big fan of the Zeiss 35mm, I thought I would contribute this shot, just a little cropping nothing else.

    You gotta love the colour, even though the light was harsh.


    35mm f5.6 ISO 100 1/500sec.

    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  5. #15
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Zeiss ZE 35 1.4 vs Rokinon 35 unofficial comparison

    Steve...Awesome shot...yes the colors and contrast of this lens are very hard to beat!! It gives my 50L a run for it's money in that category, too!!! Glad to see you're contributing....let's keep it going!!

    I will be posting some more today from Mason's 4th birthday party today once I go through them...



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