Hi all, well today is a very sad day. I have for the first time in my life developed an illness , some weird heart virus they think, which has made me less fit than i used to be. Therefore, it was with great sadness i had to.....sell...my...sorry, im filling up with tears....lol....my Canon 500f4 ISL. I cant lug the weight around anymore. Many a happy time away from the family was spent together across the country. Its little brother the 300f2.8 has gone aswell. A large part of my life is now empty. Im depressed, empty, my wife just doesnt understand , although she liked the money. How can i replace my lost lens's?

I also have to consider the three cameras. 7D, 1DS3 and 1D4. I fear these will soon have to be sold to. To much weight.
Ive pondered long and hard how to cheer myself up, get out of the pit of despair. I can only think of one way out, one way to end this misery brought on by illness. One way to end the loss of my two len's and possible loss of three cameras.

A 1DX and a 200-400f4. Boy, i feel better already.

Im sure you will all understand and sympathise.

I would never use my illness in any underhand way to gain sympathy from my wife to allow me to purchase further camera equipment she has specifically banned me from doing. Honest. I have always, sorry, mostly, ok rarely been honest in telling my wife of the cost and almost life saving need to buy that new piece of gear. She understands, im ill ,cough cough splutter, and new gear will make me better. Im sure thats what the consultant in respitory medicine said. Wonder if i can get him to write a letter to my wife. Hmmm....