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Thread: First real wedding

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Re: First real wedding

    damn dude....

    great perspective. I wish I did it. []

    I wish i could describe what was so unique about it. I keep thinking, "big sky", but that's a horrible choice of words, and it has nothing to do with the sky

    Oh well...

  2. #12
    Senior Member iND's Avatar
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    Re: First real wedding

    can you tell us more about the color pictures especially the one walking out down the aisle. Lens, ISO, f, speed, external light.

    what camera are you using

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Re: First real wedding

    While you're at it, how about covering some of the work and the processes you did in post? That's my personal weakness and I always wonder how you get that look..... which I love btw. Subtle enough that if you weren't a photog you probably wouldn't know it had been done.

    As for the taking of the pictures, I think that maybe with the first one I'd clone out the tree on the right so you can crop the skyline down lower (that old 1/3rds rule about keeping your horizon away from the middle of the frame that the tree is making kinda impossible)... the second one is money... I personally might give the sky a bit more punch but that's totally personal preference.... other than the shadows on the b/g's faces the third one is really nice as well. And I might have moved the shot down just a pinch for the third but the shot is absolutely gorgeous.

    Really enjoyed the b/w's too, love the highlight on the bride's hair in the circular mirror reflection (have you tried cropping it in a bit closer to emphasize that?)

    Without seeing the other shots you have made but having seen some of the "professional" photographers that make a living doing weddings around here, I definately think you could make a go as wedding photog (great if you like your stress served in large doses over short periods of time :P). You've got great shots for an album for sure and a great eye for the "romance" of the whole thing (which is what sells brides on you as a photog anyways)

    PS I'm not an animal person but LOVING the frog shot and the first pic of the cat that you've got under your profile

  4. #14
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    Re: First real wedding

    Thanks! Wow I am so humbled by the compliments. To be honest I think they are a good start but so-so.

    The picture with the couple walking down the aisle was taken at 1/160 - ISO3200 - 50mm (prime) F2.8. No external lighting, that would have pretty much ruined it. To dramatize the effect I used some serious vignetting in post production. I also did some noise reduction, only to add a finer noise back in, to maintain the film look. It also diffused some of the colors to create a softer look.

    In the black & white stuff I like high contrasts, loads of deep black and vignetting as well as dodge/burn to further enhance the shots.

    That's all basically. I have one postprocessing rule though: as much as I can crop, burn and dodge or saturate or de-noise etc. Even take out a bad pimple, I never change much in the scene. So removing an entire tree, as trivial as it may seem for the picture, is not an option for me. It was there, so it stays in the picture. Had I not wanted it in there I should have repositioned the camera or politely ask the tree to step away for a second.

    Oh the camera is a 5D MkII. I shot with two lenses only: the 24-105 and the 50mm1.4 for dark stuff to maintain available light. However I did experiment a bit with flash outside but I am not very good with it so I put it back in the bag.

    (The frog is the biggest fattest ugliest frog I have ever seen. It's gross! Every time I see one like that they disgust me. So I had to take a picture).

  5. #15
    Senior Member Maleko's Avatar
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    Re: First real wedding

    great shots there! I have my first proper weddings comming up in a few weeks for the summer.

  6. #16
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    Re: First real wedding

    Quote Originally Posted by Maleko

    great shots there! I have my first proper weddings comming up in a few weeks for the summer.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Cool! One small tip? I dunno where you are but where I am we have some seriously warm and sunny weather (that we normally do not have) with some very high humidity. Pack light, and keep hydrated. That last one almost got to me. I was so busy taking shots I forgot to drink and the second you notice that there may not be a moment to hunt for water because you're in the middle of the ceremony or something. So make sure you drink enough.

  7. #17
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    Re: First real wedding

    Excellent job Madison.

    Weddings are fun to shoot, especially during the day. My wife and I have had a slew of night weddings over the last year and those can be very difficult. We've got a afternoon wedding coming up in August. Hope the suns out just a bit.

    Great job with the post on that ISO3200. The light in that image is gourgeous! What a fantastic capture! Smart camera/lens settings.

    Did you pre focus? Or just point &amp;shoot. The dof on FF @ 2.8 is pretty darn narrow. Oh, Oh, I know, AI Servo maybe?

    Chargeaccordingly for the next one, O.K.


  8. #18
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    Re: First real wedding

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Lee
    Did you pre focus? Or just point &amp;shoot. The dof on FF @ 2.8 is pretty darn narrow. Oh, Oh, I know, AI Servo maybe?

    No it was AI Focus, and AF-Center Point preselected and me walking backwards trying to take the shot because they were walking as well and I had some steps to conquer (there were steps leading up to the doorway of the room they were in and I was walking out, backwards, photographing them, trying to not trip. With a prime, even on FF, 50MM was a bit too narrow for me. I had expected it to work better but I had trouble using it. I would have loved to have done the ceremony 35mm or even 24mm to be honest. This is why I had problems with this particular shot. I love the light, hate the fact that their feet are cut off. I needed to back off but there was no time/room for me to do that.

  9. #19
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    Re: First real wedding

    Wow, AI Focus, I'd seriously given up on trying to use that mode. Your right, I'd thought 50mm onFF would be wide enough as well. Before you invest in a 35 or wider, take a look at used 17-35 L zooms. You can find them for a reasonable price. About half the cost of a 16-35. I have one and enjoy the heck out of it. At f2.8 35mmthat lens would have really worked for you there. You'll find that the versatility of a zoom far outwieghs the IQ of a prime when shooting weddings photojournalist style. Save the primes for staticstudio poses. Otherwise.....zoom withyour feet and possibly land on your seat!! Ouch!

    But still....dude, never noticed the feet fading off into the shadows. That's a really good photo!! Be proud.


  10. #20
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    Re: First real wedding

    You know, I had the 16-35 but I had to sell it. I sure missed it during that day. When I find another job I will be repurchasing this lens as fast as I can. The 17-40 is not an option though. If I remember correctly it won't go below F4, right? That is a problem in very low light available light only situations. I had the primes for portrait stuff I want to do, but I decided to take the 50mm to the wedding anyway. You are right: zooms are a better idea. I learned that the hard way. I felt SO restricted using a prime. I guess it's a matter of learning to work with em.

    As for the AI Focus: why'd you give up on it? I'd love to know. I had mine set to it by accident hehe. With just the af center point selected: Ai focus doesn't even make sense to mee? See: Rookie mistake number (insert high number).


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