Quote Originally Posted by Richard Lane
The only negative with the rapid straps is
that you have to take them off completely in order to attach a monopod
or tripod, since they both use the same connection point.

Good news Rich, if you use a Manfrotto with a RC2 plate, BlackRapid came out with a replacement bolt which will hold the camera with out the fear of the ring opening and you gear going for a bounce. On one of the threads here someone showed the regular Manfrotto bolt at it's breaking point. Here is the BlackRapid product page:


Quote Originally Posted by alexsommers
not a fan of hand straps as it renders your battery grip useless for portrait shots

Although that is true Alex, for me that is not a negative since my 35mm film cameras even though I had winders -- grips-- did not have vertical buttons. I am so used to using the main controls, the only time I use the vertical grip controls is when I consciously push myself to do so. If you do a lot of vertical shooting with the grip than the E-1 is not as desirable for you.

Quote Originally Posted by Paul McSweeney
However, I do find it restricts my index
finger but now I'm wondering if I simply have it done up too

You do not have it to tight Paul, mine is the same way. Again it is something I have become used to so I forgot to mention it. It does make moving the Main Dial interesting at times, but it is a trade off I am willing to accept form the secure feeling the E-1 otherwise gives me.
