neuroanatomist said:

RE getting the 5DII for sports, that's a mixed blessing. I agree that 'new' is nice (the gear collection listed inmy profileis certainly evidence of that), but I also believe in using the right tool for the job. True, the 5DII has much better ISO performance - I find ISO 3200 produces decent results, whereas I prefer not to go above ISO 800 on my 7D (although with DxO, ISO 1600 is ok, and 3200 is useable). Quantitatively, the FF sensor has 1.33 stops less noise. But the penalty is AF performance and frame rate. The 7D has twice the frame rate, and a far better AF system, in particular the AI Servo performance. My 5DII's AI Servo has trouble keeping a lock on my 3.5 year old daughter running toward me, something my 7D can manage even with the slow AF and ultrathin DoF of the 85L at f/1.2. Both of those outweigh the 1.33-stop noise advantage of the 5DII for fast-moving subjects, IMO. One possibility to keep ISO lower on your 7D is a faster lens - if you're using a zoom, f/2.8 is the fastest (at best, maybe slower); depending on the focal length you need, you can gain 1-2 stops (or more if your zoom is f/4 or variable to f/5.6) with a prime. The 85mm f/1.8 and 100mm f/2 are great indoor sports lenses, as is the 135mm f/2L if that fits your budget and focal length requirements (do be aware of the thinner DoF that results from the wide aperture, though). Bottom line, 5DII is great for portraits, landscapes, etc., but for action shots I'd stick with the 7D (or if you want 'new/better' be looking at the 1DIV).

Hope that helps...




I usually use the 85 f/1.8 for my indoor sports - the f/2.8 just isn't enough in most cases. The light in the indoor arenas are usually very low, and I have to push the ISO on the 7D up to min 3200 in order to have any chance of stopping the movement (shutter 1/400 - 1/500). The AF keeps up, but the noise really becomes visible:-(

I heavn't tried the 5DII for this, but I would be nice to have a bit better ISO performance. I heavn't been looking at the 1D MKIV, but I do have looked at some second hand 1D MKIII's. Do you think this would be a better performer for indoor movement than the 5DII? There are some possibilities on making a good deal on some second hand 1D MKIII:-)