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Thread: Winter blues, anyone else?

  1. #11
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Winter blues, anyone else?

    Quote Originally Posted by ahab1372 View Post
    I treated GAS with a new tripod recently.
    So did I - needed a travel tripod that would fit in my Storm im2500 carryon hard case without removing the head, for an upcoming trip. So I picked up an RRS TQC-14 and BH-30.

    As for SAD, I'm actually on the aforementioned trip, and in sunny, warm California (well, warmer than Boston, at any rate) as I write this, after using the aforementioned tripod for some nighttime shots in San Francisco.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    you are in my hood :-)

  3. #13
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    for winter blues and photography, i came across this....

  4. #14
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Add me to the list that have added a tripod system over the winter. Really, there are a few good winter photography activities, but mostly, it is a great time to get ready for the other three seasons.

  5. #15
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    Winter blues, anyone else?

    Quote Originally Posted by ahab1372 View Post
    ... refrain from buying more stuff ...
    Well a TC maybe, or a lensbaby. Those are so small (the latter is even a baby) that they don't count, do they?


  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Here in Norway we have come to that part of the winter where you donīt get inspired by just seeing snowy landscapes anymore, so time is spent indoors going through all the shots from last year and think through what I should have done differently. And of course, doing things differently means more equipment. I had a TS-E 24mm f3.5L II, which I sold a year ago. I probably should not have done that and I may get one again on a trip to NY in early February. Iīm not happy with the perspective correction available in post processing and the ability to tilt the focus plane in landscape/nature photography is a very nice feature. And the lens is just incredibly sharp.

    On other tempting lens is the 8-15mm f4.0L fisheye. I have never had a fisheye lens before and I probably donīt need one. But it looks fun. Has anyone any experience with that lens? Is it just a toy you have fun with the first week and then just carry it around as extra weight?

  7. #17
    Senior Member Tounis's Avatar
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    I don't know what was the cause of my Gear Acquisition Syndrome, but I received a shiny new EF 17-40 f/4 L and a Speedlite 430 EX II. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait for the weekend before using any of them.

  8. #18
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    Winter blues, anyone else?

    I tend to shoot random walls and bookshelves in situations like that


  9. #19
    Senior Member Tounis's Avatar
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    Oh I'd happily shoot my wall during the whole evening but I won't have access to my 6D before the weekend. And a lens alone tends to be quite useless, except for staring at it, maybe.
    Well, Saturday will be an even better day after the wait.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Bill W's Avatar
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    Lots of chuckles reading this thread, although I have to say SAD hits me a bit December.

    This isn't to be confused w/the Holiday Blues (non issue for me), but is caused by lack of bird photo ops. The migrations are over and the American Bald Eagles (ABEs) and Snowy Owls haven't returned in numbers yet.

    About the 2nd week in January the ABEs, Snowys (although not this year for the Snowys) and other Owls start reappearing consistently. The ABEs have been putting on quite the show the last few weeks and the weather has been much as weather will around here.

    Understand for those of us in northeast Massachusetts, we never saw ABEs, they have only recently returned to our area in the last few years....very exciting.

    I also start seeing Bluebirds and Goldfinches at my feeding station in approximately this same time period....a sure sign we have turned the corner and are heading back towards spring. I'm also treated to regular visits by Cooper's hawks....they have a different food on their menu when they visit my feeding station area.

    GAS; I have to say this isn't a seasonal affect, it is a contant, year 'round affliction. Hmm, a new backpack for hiking w/my equipment, or a new travel/hiking friendly tripod, but wait, I have to remain focused....the 5D MKlll, yup, this will be my next GAS purchase. I'm not in a hurry, I'm savoring the foreplay before purchasing it in another couple of months.


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