Next Friday and Saturday, I'll be shooting a Jazz festival (offical photog but on a voluntary basis )

I've never done that and I'm hesitating on the best camera settings to use. I'll be with my 7D and the 70-200mm f/2.8L II IS and the 17-55mm f/2.8 IS.

Should I:
- Use spot metering + focus & recompose. Isn't that slow and can cause OOF shots at 200mm f/2.8?
- Use spot metering with AE lock and then recompose and AF with the proper AF point. Also require going back and forth to the player's face.
- Make a light measurement during the balance and go with fixed settings in M. I shoot in RAW.

My hypothesis are that (1) there will be light enough not to go beyond ISO 1000 with my 7D and (2) that a Jazz concert lighting doesn't change much during the set.

I'm sure you have many advices to give me