I think if I can buy a brand new 1V-HS for $2000 and a 5D Mark II for $2700, how come the current 1Ds Mark III is sold at $7000??

The 1Ds III = 1V-HS + 5D II, but $7000 does not = $2000 + $2700!

The 1D III is sold at $3850. It has the same peocessing speed as the 1Ds III, and literally everything the same but a smaller sensor. I don't see why a sensor would cost as much as $3150.

To add a 5D II camera to the 1D III's price does not even go as high as $7000...

I think Canon should bring the price of the 1Ds III down to somewhere around $5000, it still remains to be the most expensive camera in Canon's lineup (still matches its position) but that price will just make a whole lot more sense. Plus, the D3x is at the same spot as the 1Ds III now, Canon is not along anymore in this categery. For $7000, I also don't see how I should have a 1Ds III but not a 1D III + 5D II + Rebel XSi for the same price -- that way I have 3 cameras! 1D III for speed and abuse, 5D II for IQ and XSi for my back up or any application that requires 1.6x...

If the current 1Ds III remains selling at $7000, what's its replacement in the future going to be sold for? $9000?? that will just be ridiculous. The 1D series will remain to be half priced that way, and if the 1D III's replacement is FF, I'll take it easily over the 1Ds IV (or whatever that's going to be called). Just like I'll take the current D3 over D3x easily if I'm in Nikon.

Am I serious wrong again?...[*-)]
