Exposure triangle. See my post [View:http://community.the-digital-picture...ms/t/897.aspx] that shows the three sides of the triangle. The typical shot is thin DOF, crisp action, noise-free. Chances are, you'll have to make a tradeoff somewhere, and I'd sacrifice ISO up to 400 quickly with a three-digit camera, maybe 800 on an XSi (never shot with one, just guessing).

Centerpoint focus if at all possible. Consider focus lock, by * or manual focus or one-shot AF. Line up your shot and be ready. Learn to read the action with just the view through the viewfinder.

I doubt a filter will keep the sun at bay. Your better bet is to continually adjust your shooting position to move that big light source around until you're happy with what you're getting, then making minor adjustments as the sun sets.