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  1. #1
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: What did I do wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by andnowimbroke

    Am I ate up with him being put on the right side instead of the left? I'm not trying for any prizes but would like to know for future references.

    Well, it breaks the 'rule' about giving the bird flying room within the frame, but rules are made to be broken. In this case, I think there's a 'two wrongs make a right' going on, in that you're also breaking the rule about having the bird flying towards you, not away. So in this case, since the bird is angled away and 'leaving' the frame, I think it works.

  2. #2
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    Re: What did I do wrong?

    Your bird isn't anywhere near the setting sun so nobody can tell it's from a sunset. Then, your exposure is wrong. f11???? That just underexposes the image and looks like a plain technical error. The Great Egret, which is an all-white bird, looks gray. The bluish sky looks gray. To get a sunset effect the bird needs to be flying near the horizon/setting sun -- and then you expose the sunset, not the bird (get a silhouette-type image). Here are some arthur morris examples:

    1/1000 sec f/6.3 ISO 400,-St.jpg

    1/600 f/5.6 ISO 2000 g

    Now those are Arthur Morris but the idea is to get the bird near the source of the sunset -- the sun!!! Then expose for a silhouette.

    Don't worry about ISO 400 on any body. Use it freely, it'll help you w/ shutter speed; for BIF a shutter speed of 1/1000+ is required.

    hope that helped..


  3. #3
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    Re: What did I do wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan7
    Then, your exposure is wrong. f11???? That just underexposes the image and looks like a plain technical error. The Great Egret, which is an all-white bird, looks gray. The bluish sky looks gray.

    Brendan you could have chosen your words a bit nicer I think. I also think youve got the wrong idea. He doesn't want to make a silhouette shot like the examples you've posted, but he just wanted the sunset-glow on the egret, which sounds pretty fair to me.

    I think this is the kind of idea that he wanted to achieve (the glow on the egret):

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    I think Bardinjw's try at this shot is about the idea what he wanted to achieve. Perhaps even a tiny bit overexposed? You don't really get the glow on there yet, but it also could be due to jpeg quality. With the original I think you could manage to get quite a good photo if you know how to turn some sliders etc.

    Normally you would have exposed the bird properly so the white egret looks white etc. , but in this case it's not only the bird he wants to expose, but he also wants to expose a little bit of that sunsetglow onto the white egret. To do that he probably needs to underexpose the white egret just a tad so the sunsetglow gets visible on the bird. And also like mentioned earlier, adjust the white balance so hte glow gets visible. A White Egret in sunset-light doesn't look white, believe me. If I put a blue light on someones face, they also look blue [:P]

    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan7
    The bluish sky looks gray

    Yes it does, but from where I come from a blue sky is a gift that isn't always available and the sky looks like this an awful lot of times... [:P] I rented the 7D and 100-400 for an airshow this weekend and the sky was so grey that the 7D wouldn't focus on a plane, because a grey sky and a grey plane made it too difficult for it. I wish I had some more bluish sky that day...

    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan7
    but the idea is to get the bird near the source of the sunset -- the sun!!! Then expose for a silhouette.

    Don't get the bird to close to the sun if you don't want fried egret [:P] but yes you're right about the silhouette thing.


    Quote Originally Posted by andnowimbroke
    The color turned out really flat and dark, and I added this black border and threw in the fancy name plate to keep it from looking so blahhh (not that it helped a lot).

    That fancy nameplate made quite a difference haha I love it!


    Quote Originally Posted by andnowimbroke
    I prolly should have dropped the shutter down a little to help out the ISO given the slow speed of the bird but only had the camera for a month at the time and wasn't for sure when things start to blur.

    I hope your photo turns out to be great after all, I can see the potential.

    Good luck,


  4. #4
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    Re: What did I do wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    Brendan you could have chosen your words a bit nicer I think. I also think youve got the wrong idea. He doesn't want to make a silhouette shot like the examples you've posted, but he just wanted the sunset-glow on the egret, which sounds pretty fair to me.

    I'm not upset with Brendan and appreciate his advice, but also thanks forcoveringmy back Sheiky[] I'm trying to go through all my pics before the Beta ended (nothing like waiting until the end) and was pilling up old pics that almost had possibilities. I liked the idea, but not so much the outcome. Part of that is the lens. Here's what most of my pics looked like untouched with more proper exposure.


    yikes! It didn't like anything white or reflective.
    Words get in the way of what I meant to say.

  5. #5
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    Re: What did I do wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by andnowimbroke
    I'm not upset with Brendan and appreciate his advice, but also thanks forcoveringmy back Sheiky[img]/emoticons/emotion-5.gif[/img]

    No problem, I'm not upset either by the way. You did ask what you were doing wrong so I guess Brendan had a good point saying it this way [:P] it's just not my idea of constructive advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by andnowimbroke
    I liked the idea, but not so much the outcome. Part of that is the lens. Here's what most of my pics looked like untouched with more proper exposure.

    Anyway I've shot with that Tamron 70-300 before and I know that this lens costs practically nothing, but also delivers quite some post-processing work [] From what I've experienced this lens is only getting sharp and gets its contrast @ f8-f11 so your chosen aperture of f11 didn't look weird to me. This lens suffers a LOT from chromatic aberrations and so your last picture looks familiar [A]

    I guess a lot of the lenses flaws can be restored or adjusted in post-processing, but it's a massive amount of work to make it look great so good luck with that!

    Quote Originally Posted by andnowimbroke
    I'm trying to go through all my pics before the Beta ended (nothing like waiting until the end) and was pilling up old pics that almost had possibilities.

    What Beta? Lightroom 3?

  6. #6
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    Re: What did I do wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    No problem, I'm not upset either by the way. You did ask what you were doing wrong so I guess Brendan had a good point saying it this way [img]/emoticons/emotion-4.gif[/img] it's just not my idea of constructive advice.

    My bad. The oil spill is pissing me off [8o|]

    Anywho I wasn't there when the photo was taken, but from what I can tell the bird wasn't in the sunset light, and b/c of this the sunset glow didn't really come through. Something I do is get low so I can get the bird flying over the sunset in the horizon in the BG.


  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Re: What did I do wrong?

    I sometimes got this kind of result when shooting bigger white birds like this egret. I figure it happen in the following situation:

    when shooting white egret with a darker background(say trees), I set auto focus with at least -1stop exposure compensation, AV priority and evaluative metering mode. usually you can get correct exposure of the bird but background will be underexposed.then the bird takes off to the sky, and you keep shooting the bird in flight, because the sky and the bird have similar brightness, with the -1stop compensation, the whole scene will be -1 stop underexposed like the picture you are showing. to avoid that, use manual exposure to lock the correct exposure.

    please anybody, correct me if anything wrong.

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