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Thread: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

  1. #11
    Senior Member MrGreenBug's Avatar
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    So, did the 60D turned into a 7D? []
    AnGelo Chiu (MrGreenBug in Flickr), Blog:

  2. #12
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    Not today. There were alot of Canon P&S anouncements including the G11. The Canonrumors site had an inside scoop from someone at Bestbuy who saw the inventory placeholders for all of these cameras released today. They alsoreported a placeholder for the 7D. Another report said that a sales rep released info that the anouncement for the DSLR was coming Sept 1. No reports of a 60D.

    Jarhead5811 discovered the placeholder for the New Tamron 17-50 f2.8 Di II VC lens over at adorama. The Tamron USA site shows no mention. I guess they're all gearing up for next big photo show.

  3. #13
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    What, did the 6D already happen? Why the jump to 7?

  4. #14
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin

    What, did the 6D already happen? Why the jump to 7?
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Because that's how they roll. You can look at the history of Canon film cameras to get an idea:

    7D would indicate an advanced amateur camera somewhere between the 5D2 and 50D. 3D would indicate almost-professional between the 5D and 1D.

    But this is marketing, so anything can happen.

  5. #15

    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    As I see it (I'm stubborn here), Canon's current line-up runs along two tracks, as soon as you go above the entry level cameras (1000D and 500D). Then there's the speed track, populated by the 50D and the 1D Mark III, and beside that the resolution track, currently with the 5D Mark II and the 1Ds Mark III.

    The models sitting beside each other on the two tracks have a big difference in cost, but there could at least be space for another level between the 50D and the 1D Mark III on the speed track, even if an evolution of the 50D is introduced too.

    It's less obvious to me if they can make a full frame that much cheaper that there is any room for a new model between the 500D and the 5D Mark II? That would be like a 3 frames/second 12-15 megapixel FF model at a cost not much above the 50D, to make sense.

    First a 60D and a 7D above it, both along the speed (which so far implies cropped bodies) track, then a new set of 1D(s) Mark IV (I'm not Japanses, so I can live with "four") cameras and then perhaps another full frame in the resolution track, below the 1Ds Mark IV, but perhaps still above the 5D Mark II. This is where the 3D comes in.

    Sounds as a reasonable model strategy to me. Time will tell how Canon see this.

  6. #16
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
    7D would indicate an advanced amateur camera somewhere between the 5D2 and 50D

    According to the "rumor sites" the 60D is turning into a 7D. We'll know sometime next week. The latest rumors spec it as a amature sports photographer's dream machine. It appears so far to be a 1.6X not a 1.3X or 1X.

    I know some don't like the rumor weed, but I think speculation is sort of entertaining.

  7. #17
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    If they don't announce one that's FF, I guess I'll be getting me a 5DII

  8. #18
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
    We'd all love to see full frame sensors come down in price, but the unfortunate reality is that the manufacturing cost is not going down very fast. The 5D1 was a big breakthrough at just $3,000. After three years we're down to $2,700. At this rate it will take 7 more years to reach $1,999 for a new full frame camera.

    I was wrong. Sony just announced the A850, which is practically the exact same camera as the A900 (lesser viewfinder and slower frame rate), but $700 cheaper: MSRP is $2,000!

    I hope this starts a price war for full frame cameras!

  9. #19
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    Another interesting "twist" in sensor trends is the release of the G11. Maybe Canon has been listening after all.

    I was hoping that the 7D would be a stripped down version of the 5DMkII. Something like a 12-16 mp FF sensor less the live view and video. Sort of an enhanced 5D Mk1 at the 2K price point. Oh well. Looks like they're goingthe extremely enhanced APS-C route. That's not a bad thing either.

  10. #20
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    Re: Could the 60D actually turn into a 7D by Aug 19th?

    I doubt they'd strip LiewView out ... it's in the 40D+ is it not? Don't see much advantage of them doing that $$ wise.

    Now the sensor that's totally different.

    But I do agree/hope it does cause the MKII to drop in price if they don't announce another FF besides the possible 1Ds MK IV.

    As much as I'd love a 1Ds, I've been eyeballing the 5DII a lot lately and just waiting for news to be "official" on the lens I'm interested in and any possible new FF at the $2-3k price range.

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