Originally Posted by weclickyoupick.com
Some might say that each time you shoot with an APS-C body, you're doing it at the expense of glass.
I'm not saying that *you* would be better off with a 5DII than your 7Ds, but superman is considering ff, and it isn't necessarily true that he would be better served by loading up on expensive glass than by buying a camera that takes full advantage of the the excellent lenses he already has. If he had a bunch of EF-S lenses, I might think differently, but the 17-40 is *begging* for full frame.
Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
Beautifully said. One summer I house sat for a music professor who had an old Steinway (1907 or so). I suck at piano, but I spent the summer playing the thing and loving it. A friend of mine- a far better player- came over and refused to touch it. He said he wasn't worthy. [:P]