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Thread: Nooo!! 5DII "Error 20" and nasty-sounding shutter noises

  1. #11

    Re: Nooo!! 5DII "Error 20" and nasty-sounding shutter noises

    Some just like to blow really hard I guess. [^]

  2. #12

    Re: Nooo!! 5DII "Error 20" and nasty-sounding shutter noises

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    Quote Originally Posted by peety3

    There's a liability if someone says "the limits are X" and it
    turns out the limits were a bit different (or a lot different). If Canon
    says "don't do it", they can clearly charge you for any and all
    repairs if you "do it".<o></o>

    Fact is that compressed air is very good for sandblasting. Obviously
    some sand or grit is needed to complete the process, but unless you have
    certified, guaranteed, clean air, you're accepting a lot of responsibility and
    risk attempting what you've done.<o></o>


    There isn't a liability with advice on the Internet though [:S]. Perhaps I should start my own advice blog for those like me who insist on using compressed air when others daren't!<o></o>

    And I'm not sure what you mean by sandblasting. I'm not using some sort of air compressor - I'm using good quality canned air that is specifically designed for sensitive electronic components. The only risk is of it either spitting (which only happens with the best products if you misuse it) or, as I've learned, of the pressure knocking mechanical components out of place. Those risks are very easy to avoid if you're both aware of them and reasonably technically skilled.

    Anyway, I know none of you mean to lecture - or if you do I know it's well meaning, so I hope I don't appear too defensive []. Thanks for all the advice though.

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