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Thread: Illusion or my imagination?

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  1. #1

    Re: Illusion or my imagination?

    <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"]<span style="font-size: small;"]<span style="font-family: Calibri;"]Sorry my previous post was wrong.<o></o>
    <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"]<span style="font-size: small;"]<span style="font-family: Calibri;"]Apparently I am the only one, but I prefer the image with the bird on the left. I guess I tent to read things starting from the left, so with the bird positioned on the right I see it as a first thing?!?<o></o>

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Illusion or my imagination?

    You are wrong again - you are not the only one [:P]

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Anaheim, CA

    Re: Illusion or my imagination?

    Honestly I think they're both nice. The hardest part is exposing the white, you did a great job!

  4. #4

    Re: Illusion or my imagination?

    I'm left-eye dominant and right-handed. My first impression was that I much prefer the bottom one. However, after reading the comments, I find that I prefer the top one. [:^)] It seems to have more impact... somehow, and the bottom one seems more peaceful. What kind of bird is it?

  5. #5

    Re: Illusion or my imagination?

    OK, so I may be the only left-handed person replying here, but one obvious (?) reason why we all seem to agree with your modification is that you've made the sunlight-shadow follow the visual lead-in and focus on your main subject.

    Remember how the bottom left-hand corner is the area humans look at last in an image?

    There is a natural propensity (at least for people living in the northern hemisphere) to follow light from left to right, which may go some way to explaining the increasingly mild prejudice against us lefties / southpaws, etc. (Perhaps the fact that our handwriting is illegible doesn't help...)

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Re: Illusion or my imagination?

    Back when I used to wrestle, I usually lead with my right side, so the picture on the right side looks like I could get a better grip without getting stabbed in the neck

  7. #7

    Re: Illusion or my imagination?


    I believe that this phenominon is best explained by understanding that the originalimage has no symmetry inherent in it. So when you mirror it - it seams to be a completely different image (your mind wants to perceive it as a completely different image). By definition this an illusion.

    Magazines as well as video productions use this technique to make more images out of the ones that they have to increase the number ofimages and video clips if needed.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Re: Illusion or my imagination?

    Hello there,

    I'm left-handed and have to adjust often to a right-handers world. As such I've noticed the peculiar things that emerge from this. When a subject is on the left side (looking right) it gives a since of opening and peering out into a much larger world. In contrast the bird on the right side (looking left) seems to close you off and give you a since of opposition or dominance. Partly I think this is because we have become accustomed to the left to right book format. The left page of an open book signifies the journey continues and the right page signifies and end. I think its subconscious of course. But I've also noticed this in cinematography as well. The next time your watching a movie take note to see if the action flows from left to right across the frame. In the instances that it doesn't I think you usually find the antagonist or opposition taking dominance. Here's the interesting part for me, if this is true what does this say about our personalities and subject matter? Personally I like the bird on the left. Its less dominant, and gives a greater since of romance and draws your eye outward to a large world. While the one on the right closes you off and feels more claustrophobic; however it does seem to give a greater impact. Of course I could be full of it too! Its a great picture regardless!

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Illusion or my imagination?

    I've noticed this effect in my photos, too. At least for me, my eye is comfortable following diagonal lines that go up and to the right. The bottom photo reminds me of my 401K.

    I don't think it's too mysterious: in the top photo, the lines guide you to the bird's eye, which is the center of attention. In the bottom one, the bird is looking at something (and pointing at it, too--with its beak), but you can't see what it is. This is frustrating. If there were a big walrus on the right, it would be the center of attention and the bird would just be a pointer to it. Then it would be fine.

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