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Thread: Carrying camera in big city

  1. #11

    Re: Carrying camera in big city

    Huh, I just called Wrigley Field and the lady made me describe my camera. I told her it was a Canon Digital Rebel XS with a "semi-long zoom lens," and she said no. I asked her if it had to be a "short lens," to which she said "yes." I guess I'll have to leave the 70-200 at home. I wonder if I can even bring the 18-55 kit lens in.

  2. #12

    Re: Carrying camera in big city

    Man, now I read all over the internet where people have gotten into Wrigley with 40ds and such, along with several lenses. I have to go to a meeting for the rest of the day. Would someone with spare time be willing to call the lady at Wrigley Field and clarify exactly what is allowable? I screwed up by not doing it on my first call. Number is: 773-404-2827. Don't choose any options from the menu, and a lady will eventually answer. Any help would be appreciated.

  3. #13

    Re: Carrying camera in big city

    I really wouldn't sweat bringing in the 70-200 f4, especially if you have it ina backpack or toploading holster, security will most likely ask you to open up the backpack, see the camera, which really isn't big, and that will be the end of it. Like I said before, I've brought my 20D w/batt grip in a toploader with the 24-105 attached andwith the 100-400 in an attached side case and never had a problem. You see people all the time on TV at the games with all sorts of cameras and fairly large lenses (again, if you are bringing the 400 2.8 or 500 f4, then all bets are off unless you plan on breaking out a press pass []) It seems baseball has a much more liberal policy compared to the indoor arenas for basketball and hockey...

  4. #14
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    Re: Carrying camera in big city

    Quote Originally Posted by davideglasgow

    Man, now I read all over the internet where people have gotten into Wrigley with 40ds and such, along with several lenses. I have to go to a meeting for the rest of the day. Would someone with spare time be willing to call the lady at Wrigley Field and clarify exactly what is allowable? I screwed up by not doing it on my first call. Number is: 773-404-2827. Don't choose any options from the menu, and a lady will eventually answer. Any help would be appreciated.


    Every time I ask someone at a venue they almost always tell me no cameras and at the very least no cameras with detachable lenses. But you always see them in there.

  5. #15

    Re: Carrying camera in big city

    Not Wrigley Field in this example but it may just be a MLB rule. My wife just got back from a Diamondbacks home game and took the 30D w/70-200 2.8 lens and a Sony Handy Cam. When they searched the smallish backpack, the only issue they mentioned was thatshe couldn't video tape the gamecause of the MLB copyright rules... she told them she wasn't and it was all for our daughter being honored with her HS softball teambefore the start of the game which won the AZ 5A-I State Championship recently. They said no problem and let her through.

    Just an idea if they give you grief.

  6. #16
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    Re: Carrying camera in big city

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill M.
    I really wouldn't sweat bringing in the 70-200 f4, especially if you have it ina backpack or toploading holster, security will most likely ask you to open up the backpack, see the camera, which really isn't big, and that will be the end of it.

    You wouldn't believe the stuff you can fit into a diaper bag. Gotta go with a baby, though. Get enough dirty diapers in there and security wont dare open it. (The lens rental place might ask you about the smell on the 400mm f/2.8, though...)

  7. #17
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    Re: Carrying camera in big city

    In myexperience, the people on the phones are alot more strict thanthe people at the gates.

    Haha the diaper bag idea made me laugh.

  8. #18
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    Re: Carrying camera in big city

    Quote Originally Posted by davideglasgow

    I'm about to embark on a two-day business trip in Chicago. I desperately want to take my Rebel XS and assorted lenses, but this will be the first time I've taken it to a big city to shoot.I guess common sense applies, but has anyone had any problems with others being "interested" in your things?I might catch a White Sox game, which isn't in the greatest part of town, but would offer some great shots. Any advice appreciated.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    If your in downtown Chicago you shouldn't be worried. Every city has it bad parts and seems to be in the outskirts of every city I've been in. "Downtown" of most major cities are well lit, clean, and lots of people (Philidelphia and Detroit excluded). If your on assignment at an event, you are always in company. Now, if you were to go exploring on your own, you should have a pretty good indication from your surroundings if it's a questionable place. If you have any of the pro bodies, don't be afraid to use it as a weapon if need be. For that matter, use anything as a weapon if you have to. I personally smacked a guy in the head with my 1N while shooting the Detroit Grand Prix. I made the STUPID mistake of packing up all my gear as fast as I could and took a back street so I could cut across to a better vantage point. I didn't bag anything and had three kits around my neck and two bags. I should have just put a big "FREE MONEY" sign on my back. I was approached by two guys only 50ft from a couple cops who didn't see anything until they heard the ruccus. They grabbed, I swung, got one guy in the ear with my 300 2.8, and got the other guy with the bottom of my 1N. The second guy went right to the ground, the guys took off running with the cops in persuit, and I headed strait for my next location. In retrospect, I should have kept the shutters going the whole time. It would have made a great journalistic entry. So be aware of your surroundings. Know your abilities cause you probably won't be able to talk yourself out of being mugged. If your a wimp, take someone with you. If your adventurous, you have tools to protect you. But if your smart AND any of the above, USE YOUR BRAIN. BTW, I've shot in virtually every major city in North America and Detroit was the ONLY place I had any problem. And for #%$ sake, don't freakin worry about getting mugged everywhere you go or you will NEVER be able to relax and concentrate on why your there in the first place.

  9. #19
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    Re: Carrying camera in big city

    I've been all over Chicago day and night with my gear and no problems.

    Now, having said that, I'm usually with other people, and carry the gear in a discreet back pack. When I've been alone downtown at night to shoot it's been around 4:00 - 4:30AM not many worries at that time. Although, it's interesting how many cops you can attract at that time of the day.

  10. #20

    Re: Carrying camera in big city

    Well, one of my co-workers is a former Cubs employee. She made a few calls for me and even got me an email from a guy in statdium ops saying it's no problem. I'm taking a big risk because I won't have anywhere to stash the lens should they not let it in, but no risk, no reward, right?

    Besides that, it resides in the top compartment of my backpack, and I'm sure they will be satisfied if I open the main bottom compartment where the camera is kept. []

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