I was fortunate when I went shopping for a gimbal head to find a place that carried several models in stock. My selection came down to the Wimberley and the Sirui. They are more comparable than the price tags would indicate. The Sirui is lighter, Wimberley friction adjustment is a bit smoother, Sirui was about half the price so it came home with me. No regrets whatsoever. Use it with super teles, 180mm macro, and 70-200 the most. I can see that a longer zoom that extends would pose a challenge or two to maintain balance. Even racking the 70-200 causes enough change that I can feel it.
If you are going to get a gimbal head make sure to use relatively long mounting plates on your lenses to allow more positioning options. The information Brian has posted is a good place to look. If you have access to a machine shop, or know someone that does, it is very quick and painless to make your own plates out of scrap aluminum bar stock. I have no idea how they get to be so expensive in stores other than outright greed. There are non-Wimberley plates that are a fraction of the cost if you need to purchase plates. They will not leave your wallet feeling like it has been violated.