Just before my vacation this summer, I purchased a Canon 50 1.2L. Beyond just wanting a really fast prime lens, I bought this lens in anticipation of family shots around the campfire, nights on the beach or just sitting around the picnic table in the evening. Unfortunately most of those opportunities never came to be. I have taken some "test shots" around the house and this lens produces some "stunning" results. It has a very nice angle of view on the 7d---what I would consider near perfect for portraiture. The bokeh is phenominal and it is tack sharp when stopped down a notch or two. What I noticed most about this lens is the richness of color it produces. I think I got a a really good copy of this lens.

As most of you know, I don't normally photograph people, but just can't seem to come up with other subjects that this lens would do justice to. I am currently using it on my Wife's 400d as a general purpose walk around lens.---I know, there is just something wrong with that; So, I call out to the forum:

Any Ideas (other than people portraits) on how I can take advantage of this fantastic lens.

As always, your thoughts are appreciated.


oops---put this on the wrong forum-----no, its not for sale.