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Thread: Virus trying to attach to my computer when I am on TDP

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Those "Option" and "Command" keys are pretty expensive
    Words get in the way of what I meant to say.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk View Post
    Not long ago I came accross a bug on my computer at work. It was a nasty little bug that would pop up the mock anti-virus continually, but it seemed to do it more on certain websites. It was doing other things that weren't t0o pleasant. Since all my computers are Mac's at home now, it has been 3 years since I had to clean up one myself. The work computer was sent in to the IT guys we use.
    "Uh hi, IT guy? Can you please get a virus off my computer? It only pops up when I'm browsing photography websites instead of doing my job..."
    An awful lot of electrons were terribly inconvenienced in the making of this post.
    Gear Photos

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie View Post
    "Uh hi, IT guy? Can you please get a virus off my computer? It only pops up when I'm browsing photography websites instead of doing my job..."
    LOL if only that were true.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by andnowimbroke View Post
    Those "Option" and "Command" keys are pretty expensive
    The first computer I owned personally was given to me, it was a 286 with a virus on it that would make the keyboard skip. I spent 3 days messing with it and finally got the bug off of it. If you like tinkering and messing with your PC to keep it working, and give your time away free then the Option and Command key's are more expensive. However, for what has been spent the three times I have had the Dell cleaned up at work I could have bought two Mac Book Pro's. Those Keys are very affordable in that scenario.

  5. #15
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    I have a Mac at home and a PC at work too!

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Lane View Post
    I have a Mac at home and a PC at work too!
    Sad part is, I can't get away from the PC at work. I have to many programs I use that are PC only.

  7. #17
    Senior Member nvitalephotography's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan Carnathan View Post
    Hi everyone - thanks for reporting this disturbing news. I too have seen the infrequent fake malware infection screen and have been working on the issue.

    Interesting is that I am seeing this happen on other websites as well.

    I have tested the site on several malware/virus scanners including those from McAfee, AVG, Comodo, Sucuri and Google. The site shows as being 100% clean in all of them.

    Most likely this issue is coming from the Google ads running on the site. The manual third party ads that can ride over the Google ads have been removed - and did not appear to be the problem.

    Not long ago, I turned off all of Google's own third party ad networks (600 or so of them). Please let me know if you see any more fake malware infection screens so I can insure that the problem has been eliminated.

    Thanks for the help!

    Well it just popped up on mine to its still an issue

  8. #18
    Administrator Bryan Carnathan's Avatar
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    I appreciate you letting me know. I completely replaced all of the code on the site today and recompiled. I'll now take the next step in narrowing this problem down.

  9. #19
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    I'm not noticing any other problems whatsoever so I don't think my computer is infected!? Keeping fingers crossed!!

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    I've never gotten virus warnings on TDP on either of my home PCs, or thee work PC, or the PC at my previous job... and I check the forums several times a day.

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