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Thread: PC vs. Mac

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Re: PC vs. Mac

    I use PC. With the same amount of money I can get a much better PC, MAC costs too much! Until I have my 800 f/5.6L IS, PC for now[]

  2. #12

    Re: PC vs. Mac

    I use a PC. Any extra money I spend on lenses, so the computer I use is ancient (seriously). I would like to get a Mac someday. :-)

  3. #13
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    Re: PC vs. Mac

    I vote mac. I have a macbook, almost three years old now and it runs faster than it did on the day I got it (installed extra ram). The fact that it hasn't slowed over time is the best part of being a mac owner. I'd assume editing photos is fairly identical on mac and pc, because all the programs we use run on both. But for anything else, I think mac is better.

  4. #14
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    Re: PC vs. Mac

    Quote Originally Posted by IAMB
    I've heard of runnning Windows on a Mac, but not the other way around (I'm not sure it's even possible - much less feasible).

    It is doable, you just need a so called EFI-X USB dongle, a compatible with it Intel based motherboard and of course OS X, any major videocard should go.

    Windows on Mac is easier to achieve, nohardware change is necessary, if I'm not mistakenone needs Bootcamp software.

  5. #15
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    Re: PC vs. Mac

    Quote Originally Posted by piiooo
    From the hardware point of view, a computer is as fast as the slowest major component: processor, memory, hard drive, graphics card etc.

    So my 4 year old dell pc is as fast as the 512 MB of RAM it has? haha oh boy. So thats why it gets moody if I try to open DPP and photoshop.

    This is my personal rather uninformed opinion: College is coming up, I've heard wonderful things about photo/video editing on Macs. Since college is on the horizon, a Macbook Pro and hopefully a calibrated desktop monitor seems the best choice to me.

    I guess you just gotta go with what works for you too? If everyone knew/could build their own PC I'm guessing alot more people would be PC people lol.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Mark Elberson's Avatar
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    Re: PC vs. Mac

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinh Nhut Nguyen

    I use PC. With the same amount of money I can get a much better PC, MAC costs too much! Until I have my 800 f/5.6L IS, PC for now[img]/emoticons/emotion-2.gif[/img]
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>


    I'd love to see what you could do with a 800 f/5.6L IS!!!

  7. #17
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    Re: PC vs. Mac

    Quote Originally Posted by Rodger

    Quote Originally Posted by piiooo
    From the hardware point of view, a computer is as fast as the slowest major component: processor, memory, hard drive, graphics card etc.

    So my 4 year old dell pc is as fast as the 512 MB of RAM it has? haha oh boy. So thats why it gets moody if I try to open DPP and photoshop.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    There is only one vendor for Macs (Apple) and hundreds if not thousands of competing vendors in the PC world. Mac will sell you an evenly configured hardware and pretty good and stableoperating system. A PC vendor will try to sell youa more-affordable-than-copetition machine, and if you don't know whatyou need you'll buy it and if youperform any processor/graphic/memory/hard drive intense task your brand new PC willstart choking. If not now wait a year or two for newer and more hungry software to come... Sad but true.

  8. #18
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    Re: PC vs. Mac

    Quote Originally Posted by piiooo

    There is only one vendor for Macs (Apple) and hundreds if not thousands of competing vendors in the PC world. Mac will sell you an evenly configured hardware and pretty good and stableoperating system. A PC vendor will try to sell youa more-affordable-than-copetition machine, and if you don't know whatyou need you'll buy it and if youperform any processor/graphic/memory/hard drive intense task your brand new PC willstart choking. If not now wait a year or two for newer and more hungry software to come... Sad but true.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    I think this is right on. The inherent 'superiority' of a Mac isn't, in my opinion, that it necessarily performs better, but rather that it is a complete, well-configured package. Apple controls the hardware and much of the software, and sets the price for the product it wants to offer, and doesn't have to compete on a price basis. You can typically get MORE with a PC package for the same money, but it may be poorly integrated, and compromises may be significant to get the lowest $$ tag for the core specs. I bought an HP for cheap that is a lot for the money, and it'll do for a lot of stuff, and was a good deal as a refurbished unit. However, if I actually configured the laptop I wanted it would have cost several times as much. I still would have gotten better value than an apple, though even so most companies load it with a crapload of software that you want to uninstall. If you're capable, you'd probably just want to format the thing and install the operating system and drivers and key software, and nothing else.

    A lot of the entry-level PC setups, particularly those with low amounts of RAM, shouldn't be sold at all. They're only good for startup and maybe e-mail. Run much of anything else and you're swapping hard drive.

  9. #19
    Senior Member
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    Re: PC vs. Mac

    i think its all preference.. now adays they can both so the same things for the most part and there fis no right or wrng.. I think Macs ar ebetter for multimedia.. I have the new macbook and its awsome for photoshop , lightroom, etc..

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Re: PC vs. Mac

    you've been able to run osx on a pc for a while now...

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