I have to buy a new 580 Ex II because I left my older 580 EX sitting on a stump at a park and someone found it and decided to claim it. Just the other day the 580EX II listed for 479.00 on all the major sites and now that Canon is offering a 50 dollar rebate they jacked up the price to 499.00. The price according to last week should be 479.00 - 50.00 = 429.00 an not 449.00 with rebate. This makes the rebate actually 30 bucks and not 50. Whats up with this pricing game?!?!

If it where me and I could get away with it I would do without a flash and just stick with my monolights but I got talked into shooting a wedding next month which I never do and now I'm in a bind. I could buy a AlienBee 1600 for 360.00 which is waaaay mooore bang for the buck but can a wedding be shot without a flash attached to the camera or on a cord?

Has anyone who shoots weddings professionally or semi-pro ever shot the wedding portion in the church and the reception after with two or three strobes aimed up at the ceiling using wireless remote firing. I'd much rather buy an additional AB1600 then a weak 580EX. Is that to risky of a move? Might just have to rent a 580 as that is a cheaper alternative.