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Zach, nice tone range in "Forging a New Path", but it's just not an image I can see myself coming back to Perhaps ideal for a metal-worker's workshop. The "Autumn Bloom" looks like the petals and stamen are over-exposed, while the rest of the image is very dark. It's like you did selective color, but selective exposure instead, and blew out any details in the subject. I would have zoomed closer to see if there was any detail in there, but the image isn't clickable. Contrast that to the dark side of the anvil... I don't care that it's pure black. I'm not sure if that's just something I'm willing to accept more readily in B&W, or the the loss of detail there is acceptable since it allows you more tonal range in the rest of the image, that the anvil is secondary, while the hammer is the focal point, or that it's possible for that to appear near pure black in reality too... but somehow the over-darkening is fine, while the overblown lighting on the flower, especially since it's the focal point, just doesn't feel right.