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Thread: My 7d is messed up please!!!

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: My 7d is messed up please!!!

    Thanks, I was afraid of that and my daughter was warning me of it happening also but once I started I could tell that these are pretty tough chance of breaking off unless you bend it back and forth back and forth an number of times.

    But if I would have done it at your recommendation and something went wrong ...I would reluctantly have had to accept a new camera from you to help ease the guilt you would have been living with! I

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: My 7d is messed up please!!!

    Yep, after numerous times of putting it back in and taking it off, shooting and reshooting ...all seems to be working properly!

    It doesn't look like there are any lasting affects from it short or anything.

    Maybe this will teach me a lesson for not learning how to you the multi-function Japanese model I have. All I wanted was a simple release to use for long shutter speeds now ...not having to always use one that has a timer and this and that on it!

    EDIT: I can't keep up with the quick responses ...thank you so much Rich and Brett! I am going to have my guard up high for awhile as I use this just to make sure all is good but I think it's perfectly fine now. Thank you Rich for checking out your own camera to simulate what I was going thru!

    All of you guys are really awesome!

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: My 7d is messed up please!!!

    My pleasure, I'm Glad you fixed it! I would have hated to miss your fall shots!

    The pins are very delicate and if you try and plug the cable in the wrong way then the holes won't line up and you can accidentally bend the pin as you have discovered.

    Since the holes in the plug are hard to see, I would just try to remember that the cable for the remote switch goes forward along the same direction as the lens. That's how I'm going to try and remember it. Also note that to remove the cable from the camera you have to first depress the top of the plug which looks like a little rubber button.

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Planet Earth

    Re: My 7d is messed up please!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725

    But if I would have done it at your recommendation and something went wrong ...I would reluctantly have had to accept a new camera from you to help ease the guilt you would have been living with! I'll do anything to help make a friend feel better


    And here I was getting ready to pack up may back up 5D II and ship it....glad it worked

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