Hey guys,

I need help building a full frame kit. I have been shooting a 30D with a 24-105 f/4 IS for a few years. I also have a 50 f/1.8. I finally decided to upgrade to full frame. I have read thousands of reviews on every lens/camera in my price range, and I have no idea what to get. I generally shoot mainly landscapes, portraits, and city shots. A lot of time I'm wishing for a lens wider than 24mm. With what I like to shoot the jump to full frame makes sense. My price range is about $3000, and I will be keeping my 2 lenses. I am also very interested in Macro, but I'm thinking about giving the macro filters a shot before I buy a lens. In my price range I could build one of the following kits. Everything will be bought used. Which would you choose?

Canon 5d, 24-105, 50 f/2.8, 70-200 f/4 IS, and 580ex. I'd still probably have around $400-500 to play around with.

Canon 5d Mark 2, 24-105 f/4, 50 f/1.8, 70-200 f/4 Non-IS, and 430ex flash.

If anyone has any more ideas just let me know.