Hello everyone,

I have been reading your posts for some time and have picked up quite a bit. Thanks for that.

My question concerns prime lenses. I have read many places that the 35mm, 50mm and 85mm lenses are very valuable. I understand the usefulness of wide apertures for low light and great D.O.F. Are you looking for those exact focal lengths or in the area? The reason I ask is because I use a cropped sensor and if I were to want a 50mm focal length I would most likely go for the 35mm f/2 (or something like it) for a 1.6x conversion of 56mm. Like wise if I wanted an 85mm I would go for the 50mm f/1.4 to get 80mm. I figure I would use them for general photography including low light. Are you recommending the 50mm and 85mm because of the particular lenses or because of the benefits of the focal lengths?

