Last edited by Fast Glass; 02-25-2022 at 06:21 PM.
I got a chuckle out of that one.
Thinking on the opposite end though and using the R5, the 800mm has a minimum focal distance of 8.53 feet and a magnification of .34x.
Compare that to the 600mm has a minimum focal distance of 13.78 feet and a magnification of .15x. The 600mm would be 63% farther away.
If you are photographing small birds at the minimum distance that you may need to crop you will have far more pixels on the subject. The .12" of DOF might be a little tight. At .405' x .27' FOV many birds may not fit the framing.
Yup indeed, as has been said. Both are quite specialized lenses that always have a certain appeal even if one cannot afford it or does not have a use for it.
Kinda anything that is extreme or the best at anything. They are just cool to look at and apriciate them for what they are.
If I have the budget I'd own both. Depending on how many weddings I do it might be an option.
Or if Bitcoin raises it's value a bunch and I make bank. Lol.
Lol, true that.
Sell paparazzi images of them to the AP or Reuters.