I expect I'm like a lot of photographers in that I use a variety of lenses but I do have one that is somewhat of a personal favourite.

The 85mm f1.2L is that lens for me. It isn't the most used lens by any means - the 24-70 f2.8L is the "workhorse" but I just love the "pop" I get from the better pics with the 85mm. It does seem to produce wonderful colour saturation and contrast and the bokeh with wide apertures really does bring the main subject "out" of the picture.

Here are a few, non commercial, examples. Some of the best examples come from stage productions but I wouldn't use these without permission from the relevant client.

Low light situations are obviously its forte.

Bishop Terry Brady - 5d, 1/160, f1.4, ISO 800, no flash. (You'd need to know him, but he is a very upbeat guy despite an almost perpetual world weary expression.)


Archbishop Mark Coleridge - 1D IIN, 1/100, f1.8, ISO 800, no flash

This photo was taken during the World Youth Day in Sydney. Mark Coleridge is one of those who couldn't talk if you cut off his hands - very expressive in an almost Italian way.


Easter 2008 - 5D, 1/80, f2.4, ISO1250, no flash


Young reader - 5D, 1/60, f2.2, ISO 1250, fill flash


And finally, an outdoor shot taken in early morning light, deliberate use of shallow DOF for effect. This was one of the works displayed at "Sculpture by the Sea" an annual event at Bondi.

ID IIN, 1/200, f1.8, ISO 100, fill flash


