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Thread: Planning to buy/replace some lens

  1. #11
    Senior Member MrGreenBug's Avatar
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    Re: Planning to buy/replace some lens

    Hmm.. I should have the topic as "580 or 430???" rather that the original topic title. Silly me.

    So is it wiser to get a 430 now and some lens that will fit the remainder of my budget or just get the 580 now or just lens. I'm leaning on getting a flash right now as I would be taking a not so biggie birthday party soon.

    Thank you nueroanotomist for added information about the 430EX II.
    AnGelo Chiu (MrGreenBug in Flickr), Blog:

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Re: Planning to buy/replace some lens

    Hey Angelo,

    I'm a not so regular user of the flash so I bought the 430. For me it works pretty good with macro, but I've also did some bouncing onto a large group of more than 40 persons and it it works perfectly for the occasion. I think the 430 is a great piece of machinery and really I see the 580 as just a little bit better, but not really a necessity. At least I couldn't think of anything why I needed the 580 power.

    I think you're better of now with a 430 and spare some cash for a better lens.


  3. #13
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Planning to buy/replace some lens

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    At least I couldn't think of anything why I needed the 580 power.

    I think the main reasons for wanting a 580EX II over the 430EX II would be the weather-sealing, to wirelessly control other flashes, and also the extra power would be an advantage when using light modifiers like a RayFlash for portraits or a Better Beamer for wildlife shots with a long lens.

    But I'm perfectly happy with my 430EX II! []

  4. #14
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    Re: Planning to buy/replace some lens

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
    But I'm perfectly happy with my 430EX II! [img]/emoticons/emotion-1.gif[/img]

    Me too![]

  5. #15
    Senior Member MrGreenBug's Avatar
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    Re: Planning to buy/replace some lens

    Thanks Jan for your input. I really appreciate very much. After so much head banging & twisting.. I decided to get myself the 580EX II for the reasons of power and being able to be set as a master. I though it would be worth the investment and additionally, I thought that I can borrow easier the 430EX II from friends in case I'd be needing more than one flash. []

    Moreover, I can push myself learning with the new flash and maybe expand more the capabilities of my kit lens. I maybe way out of my head.

    Did have a chance to use it right after purchase this afternoon for a little shoot. We needed some good photos for an invitation we're making. I was scrambling with the new flash. Used it as is, though I adjusted some FEC from the body and it was a breeze.

    Here's a sample result of the shoot this afternoon:

    50mm 1.8 at 50mm, f/8, 1/125 sec, ISO 200

    50mm 1.8 at 50mm, f/2.8, 1/180 sec, ISO 200

    Still learning.. as the photos show.. different color casts..
    AnGelo Chiu (MrGreenBug in Flickr), Blog:

  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    Re: Planning to buy/replace some lens

    Nice photos Angelo!

    Well I guess you made a good decision and you'll be happy with it. []

    Quote Originally Posted by MrGreenBug
    Still learning.. as the photos show.. different color casts..

    You could use color-filters to adjust that. I use them pretty often, also for the cool and also experimenting effect.

    Pretty much like this:


    I used Honl Photo colorfilters for the rimflash. I used a normal lamp for the headlight and converted my whitebalance to that.

    Well you're into experimenting so I guess I just mention that []

    Have fun with it!

  7. #17
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    Re: Planning to buy/replace some lens

    I love the makeup!

  8. #18
    Senior Member MrGreenBug's Avatar
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    Re: Planning to buy/replace some lens

    Fantastic example! Thanks Sheiky for your advise. I'll check that out.. for the mean time its the manual for me. [] And I'm sure I'll be having lots of fun with it.

    -- Angelo
    AnGelo Chiu (MrGreenBug in Flickr), Blog:

  9. #19
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: Planning to buy/replace some lens

    Thank you both [] I have to advantage that my little sister is into make up and grime so I get the opportunity to take shots of maked-up faces like this. It gives me another try at using my flash experimentally. Probably not the best lighting there is, but I just like the little effects. These are the color filters(cheap stuff) I put on my flash(they bend over it and stick in place with stuff I don't know the English word for[]):

    Quote Originally Posted by MrGreenBug
    for the mean time its the manual for me. [img]/emoticons/emotion-2.gif[/img] And I'm sure I'll be having lots of fun with it.

    I'm looking forward to the results!

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