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Thread: Requesting Website assistance and critique

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Re: Requesting Website assistance and critique

    <span class="field-item-description"]Bob Williams

    <span class="field-item-description"]"<span class="field-item-description"]This is the hard part, I am not
    very good at selling myself/work and honestly, I really have no idea
    where to start--if you have specific comment or know of a good
    example, I am all ears.<span class="field-item-description"]example, I am all ears."

    <span class="field-item-description"]Iguide

    <span class="field-item-description"]Hi Bob:

    <span class="field-item-description"]If you are a humble person it is difficult to crow about one's achievements. There are a couple of ways to do it. You could go to a friend that knows you well and ask them if they could help you with this difficult task. Providing that this person knows you very well they most likely help you frame a brief autobiography, let them put into their words their impressions of you and your approach to your work. After they have done that you go over it and note what you like and don't like making changes from there. Often the two of you can come up with something you are comfortable with that is a good representation of you and your work.

    <span class="field-item-description"]Another way is to hire a professional to help with this. They go through the process about the same way, they just have to get to know you a bit before they can write it.

    <span class="field-item-description"]My wife and I have two business on the net and we had to do the same thing. Take a look at my bios page and read both of them, they might give you some ideas on how to look at yourself to come up with a "about Bob" section. You will find that people that like what you do will want to get to know you better to be comfortable and want to spend money with you, and that is what you want them to do.

    <span class="field-item-description"]Lastly I wrote both of our bio's, I took excerpt from the many articles that had been written about me/us over my career and used that material to do the writing. I had first hired a writer and did not like what he came up with that is whey I suggest a friend because they know you fairly well. If after all of that and you still don't feel comfortable with it contact me privately and I can help you put something together. I'm busy now so it would take a bit of time but I could offer some help.

    <span class="field-item-description"]Godspeed

    <span class="field-item-description"]Wayne

    <span class="field-item-description"]

  2. #12
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Re: Requesting Website assistance and critique

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Williams

    This is the hard part, I am not very good at selling myself/work and honestly, I really have no idea where to start--if you have specific comment or know of a good example, I am all ears.

    I am sure there are professionals on this website that can offer better detailed advice than I can on this topic. But, in general, it seems that you want to walk the line between having a place for friends to see your photos and still sell prints. So welcoming, comfortable but still open for business. You may already have done this, as while people are perusing your photos they are presented the option to purchase. Regarding the home page, one thought would be to add a row to your menu bartitled something like "Purchase Options." The intent would be to subtlymake the viewer aware that they can purchase the photos if they want too. The link could routethe viewer to a page that described what you sell (prints/electronic files/services), how much each costs, a description of how the transaction works (VISA/PayPal, when to expect the product, etc) and any fine printlegal language you may want to include (personal use only, not for resale, etc). But again, I suspect professional photographers could contribute far more to this.


    I just checked your website and you are updating literally as I type. It looks very nice. I like your introductory write up. As you now have it set up, I am not sure what I just wrote is applicable, but I'll let you decide.



  3. #13
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Requesting Website assistance and critique

    Quote Originally Posted by Kayaker72

    I just checked your website and you are updating literally as I type. It looks very nice. I like your introductory write up. As you now have it set up, I am not sure what I just wrote is applicable, but I'll let you decide.

    Your right Brant, I have been messing with this thing all morning trying to incorporate some of the suggested changes. Like you suggested, I would prefer to simply have a link to purchasing options page, But I wasn't able to figure out how to do a custom HTML page yet. So for now, I just stuck a little blurb in the welcome message. I think this works, its just not as clean and simple as I would like it. I just wrote another email to Zenfolio regarding this, so hopefully I'll get an answer today or tomorrow.



  4. #14
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Requesting Website assistance and critique

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk

    1st on the home page I came to the link that said "Large Birds". To me it sounded somewhat generic and should have said just "Birds" or been specific to the type like "waterfowl" "birds of prey" or something like that. Large Birds just sounded odd.

    Done, It's now "Birds". as I grow my collection, I will break it down to specific types. Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk

    2nd, this is especially true of some of your landscape photos, they are not labeled or named. If I were buying a print from an artist I would want the artist to name it. A location and description might be nice to.

    Work in progress---but you are definitely correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk

    3rd when I first got to your site I wasn't sure if it was personal or commercial. The imaging name kind of told me it was commercial. The commercial part defines itself when you look at the gallery and see the Buy option.

    I think I fixed this as well, albeit temporary fix until I can customize and HTML page.

    Thanks again for your comments.



  5. #15
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    Re: Requesting Website assistance and critique

    <p class="MsoNormal"]Bob
    <p class="MsoNormal"]<o></o>
    <p class="MsoNormal"]I really like 8961, #21 under landscapes. The colors of the
    plants give it something special. I noticed thought two black specs right above
    the mountains. Not sure maybe birds? Or dust? Just thought I would point it out
    to you.
    <p class="MsoNormal"]<o></o>
    <p class="MsoNormal"]Also where is your link for guided photography tours of The
    Bosque Del Apache Wildlife Sanctuary [:P]
    <p class="MsoNormal"]<o></o>
    <p class="MsoNormal"]This looks like a great place to shoot, I might want my own
    pictures there someday.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Bill W's Avatar
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    Re: Requesting Website assistance and critique

    Bob....I noticed in the ABOUT box you misspelled Canyon de <span style="font-size: medium;"]Chelly.

    Some of the suggestions I would have offered have been covered, but on the whole, I like your set up.

    One question; why did you choose Zenfolio?

    Good luck


  7. #17
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Requesting Website assistance and critique

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill W
    Bob....I noticed in the ABOUT box you misspelled Canyon de <span style="font-size: medium;"]Chelly

    This as a good catch and one that I made many times throughout the site----Thanks Bill for increasing my workload 10 fold [*-)]. I can't believe I did that so many times. Again, good catch.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill W

    One question; why did you choose Zenfolio?

    Well, I started out trying to build my own webpage from scratch but someone on the forum had mentioned Zenfolio so I checked it out. I started with the 30 day free trial and it just developed from there.I really liked the ease of use, the templates, themes and number of options--and it was just all fairly easy. The more I played with it, the more I liked it and eventually I went with the premium service for the sales packages, storage, support and ability to get rid of the Zenfolio branding on my home page. They also permitted me to use my own URL (Web Address)which only costs me about $6 per year from Go-Daddy. I also really like thier customer service; each time I have sent them an email, they have responded within a couple of hours with useful solutions to my problems--even on fact, they sent me one this morning with how to set upa non-standard page. They also seem to be fairly responsive with customer requests and suggestions for new functionality. They update every couple of months.This is only my first year with them, but I do intend on renewing.

    No, Zenfolio did not pay me for the sales pitch, I am just a fan of thier service.

    One more thing, If anyone is considering Zenfolio, I am going to put a referral coupon on my page this afternoon--It will save you 5 bucks. (Gees, now Iam asalesman [+o(] )

    Hope this answers your question.



  8. #18
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Requesting Website assistance and critique

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk
    I noticed thought two black specs right above the mountains

    They are birds, but stilled need to be removed. In fact, I have several images that need touch-ups which are on the to-do list.--Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk
    Also where is your link for guided photography tours of The Bosque Del Apache Wildlife Sanctuary

    HMMMM, for you, I could arrange something, but it may cost you a few [B] 's . I will let you know that the area adjacent to the Rio Grande river is closed----It seems there have been several mountain lion sitingsin the area. They have even posted restrictions for walking your pets---I thinksomeone's Fido became lunch [:O]

  9. #19
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Requesting Website assistance and critique

    OK, I have applied some of the suggestions that some of you recommended. I still have to clean up my logo as well as some of the photos and key word info. The "buy" page isn't exactly as I would like it, but I think it will do for now. I also chose not to add the referral coupon to my home page because it didn't want to clutter the look; but, If any one really is considering Zenfolio your more than welcome to use my referral code which is "WBV-3DT-6TR" which will save you 5 bucks. I also tried several other templates with the menu on the top, bottom etc, but I just like the look of this the best. So, Take another look and see if it is an improvement---I am also open to other suggestions.

    Thank you all for your help, It really is appreciated.


  10. #20
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    New Hampshire, USA

    Re: Requesting Website assistance and critique

    Hi Bob,

    I just checked out your website after all your changes over the weekend. I really like it. Nice job.[B]


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