Does anyone on the forum currently use the 24-70 f/4 L IS or had it and then sold it?

I generally like my 24-105L, but am interested in a general use upgrade. I could care less about the macro feature, but other things that I think the 24-70 would improve on:

a) Image quality - The Lensrentals large sample size data shows it to be better everywhere: 24mm, 70mm and even the maligned 50mm.
b) Much faster t-stop - I understand t-stop does not effect depth of field, but much less light is lost through the lens. It is 2/3 stop better.
c) Slightly smaller
d) More modern IS system

The primary cons on the web appear to be:

a) Cost -- Was $1500 which was clearly an absolute no go for my budget, but is now $849 with 10% reward
b) 50mm softness - This isn't that big of a deal to me, Lensentals data shows 875/700 versus 24-105L 840/680 @ 70mm, it's still better or at worst equivalent
b) Focus shift - This is a legitimate concern in my eyes

Any other thoughts, comments? 24-70 V II is way too expensive and I don't want to give up IS.
