So, after looking at the exif data from my last few portrait sessions with my 24-70L, I noticed a rather interesting trend. At least 90% of my shots were either at 24mm or 70mm, with very few shotsinterspersedthroughout the rest of the focal range.

After looking through the shots that were interspersed, I noticed that very, very few of them were ones I had selected as keepers, and even those were only passable, definitely not among my favorites.

This tells me two things, I like shooting wide, and I like shooting tight.

I am quite pleased with my 24-70L on the whole. My only real complaints are that it isn't super sharp wide open (stop it down to 4.0 or 5.6 and it is stunning, though you lose some of the background blur), and that getting a tightly framed portrait at 70mm on a full frame can cross the comfort zone line.

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I also have the 50 f/1.8, which is decent enough, but I hear that the higher end/L primes are in a class of their own as far as IQ goes, with even better IQ than my current 24.70.

So my current thought process is why not trade the 24-70L which I only really use at 24 and 70 (70 being slightly too short some times) for the 24LII and the 85 f/1.8 (with hopes up upgrading to the 85L in the not so distant future).

Better, faster, sharper glass at the expense of the 25-49 and the 51-84mm range, which apparently I'm not terribly fond of to begin with.

I guess I should make it clear that I'm shooting mostly outdoor portraits, so the only concern with switching to only primes is changing the glass while in the field. The 5DII has the self cleaning sensor, but even then I'd probably have to clean it manually more often.

Any thoughts on the switch?