Quote Originally Posted by Kayaker72 View Post
Hjones....I think you are discussing a step improvement when you should be considering a path. If you are happy with the 60D, then you should look to supplement that kit and build around a crop sensor body. If you think you will go FF someday, you likely want to start putting together the pieces and having that path.
Wow, excellently presented.

A few "observations from the outside": fast glass is great for low light, but to truly use their advantage, you must be comfortable with "singular theme" shots. In other words, to use an 85mm prime under f/5.6, you must be ready for ultra-thin DoF, and you "cannot" do group shots like this. Further, you have to be comfortable with that look. I'm finding that I'm happier with my 85 in the f/4-f/8 range to avoid over-blurring shots and to have versatility between single and group shots.

Going FF means all of your lenses will "get wider", so jumping into a 6D and not having a telephoto at your disposal (particularly one that'll go to 300mm if you're used to having 250*1.6 handy) will be perhaps crushing. I recently went from a 1D Mark III (1.3 crop) to a 1Dx (FF), and I'm saddened by what it's done to my 70-200mm in terms of effectiveness. However, FF seems to give a thinner DoF across the board, so I have to be more aware of that and more prepared to stop down than I was before.