Once this was announced and I saw Vincent's footage, I was sold..then terribly heart broken that we don't get any control over the exposure. I kept hearing mixed results such as, leaving it in Av mode, will keep the last aperture value, but it seems now that even that isn't true.

I suppose in reality it won't matter too much, but there are a few instances that I would have like to have. Shooting outdoors, I like to use 1/500 f/2.8, especially on the 70-200 and 300mm. Given the max shutter of 1/100, I imagine I could open it up to f/6.3 or so and still get a proper exposure, but hearing that it routinely chooses f/22 or something doesn't sound good.

On the other end, 1/30 looks terrible in action, so I'd at least like 1/60 to be a minimum. I plan on doing a lot of macro work, so beggers may not be choosers, but some control would be nice.

Aside from that, I'm still saving my pennies (all 270,000) and can't wait to give it a whirl.