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Thread: Holiday trip (to Norway), what should I take? What not to forget?

  1. #11
    Senior Member qwRad's Avatar
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    Espoo, Finland

    Re: Holiday trip (to Norway), what should I take? What not to forget?

    Thanks a lot for the tips! Hopefully it won

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Holiday trip (to Norway), what should I take? What not to forget?

    Gas stations usually have maps, if not, you can check out kiosks (sell everything from milk, hot dogs, magazines, books chocolate etc.).

    Deep water fishing should be available in Lofoten, I would ask the tourist information. King Crabs are overrunning the fjords in Finnmark, and it might be possible to join a boat there. Again, the tourist information would be the best advisor.

    I will be offline for some days now. Off to the cabin by the sea to catch crabs and trout in the river.


  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    The Netherlands

    Re: Holiday trip (to Norway), what should I take? What not to forget?

    Alright...I'm a bit ashamed because I'm already two weeks back home from my holiday in Norway, but I do really want to give a big thanks to everybody who has given me advice and support. Thanks a lot[Y][Y]

    I want to give a special thanks to Lars who has met us in Bergen and toured us around almost the entire day despite the constant raining. It was really great to meat him and we have enjoyed our time with him a lot! Thanks Lars!![]

    Shortly: we had the holiday of our lives[] We were fortunate to only have 2,5 days of rain in our 14 day trip and that's like 8 times better than we we were prepared for.

    Norway is the most stunning country I've ever seen and we enjoyed different parts of all that beauty. It's like there's a natural beauty surprise behing every bend in the road. Really amazing! Nothing like the Netherlands, where bends are hard to find [:P]

    About the photo-part: I took the 5D and 24-105 and the 40D with the 70-200. I think I have shot about 3 photos with the 40D and 70-200 [:P] Tele-lenses get to stay at home the next time.

    We've shot about 1600 photos of which a lot are panorama's and HDR's. 24mm on a full frame camera in Norway is like a tele-lens here in the Netherlands. Everything is so big and you feel so small and it's very hard to capture some of those big things in one shot. (I have panorama's containing 23 3 69 shots)

    Anyway, I still have a lot of sorting and editing to do. I hope to show some photos very soon. I really need to because I also want to enter some in a Dutch photography contest themed "Holiday" so I have to[A]

    Again thanks for all of the tips and advice. Even though I didn't have the time before my holiday to reply on all of your messages. I did print them out and took them with me, so they were of great help[]

    Thanks and to be continued I guess[]


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