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Thread: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II USM Lens Review

  1. #11

    Re: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II USM Lens Review

    I am convinced, I sell the 70-200 I, and I buy the 70-200II. As you said Bryan the version I is one of my favorite lens, and I was waiting for your review to decide. I tried to compare the 135 f2 on the ISO12233 Chart, both at f2.8, I have the impression that the new 70-200 is as sharp as the prime. Am I right?[:P]

  2. #12
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II USM Lens Review

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle
    I think the 300 prime holds a clear advantage (as it had better).

    I suppose it depends on where you're looking and your intended use. The 70-200 MkII + 1.4x (samples 1 and 3, in any case) appears a bit shaper in the center, and a bit less sharp in mid-frame and the corners. So, to me, it sort of balances out - but, if the zoom+tc really is a bit sharper in the center, and you're shooting birds centered in the frame...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle
    it looks to me like the Mk II actually outperforms the 200mm f/2.8 prime

    Looks that way to me, as well. Since I have the EF 200mm f/2.8<span style="color: red;"]L II USM, once I get my copy of the 70-200 MkII I'll be testing them 'real-world' against each other. As long as the difference isn't huge, I'll likely keep the prime for the significantly smaller size and lower weight - it's a very easy long-ish lens to pack when long shots are opportunistic and not the primary goal of the outing.

    Quote Originally Posted by wickerprints
    And let's not forget that AF is faster with the native lens than a lens with an extender attached.

    Excellent point!

    Quote Originally Posted by wickerprints
    The 2x II + 70-200/2.8L IS II does not outperform the 1.4x II + 300/4L.

    No surprise there - the 2x extender is pretty notorious for introducing aberrations. But as Bryan states, if the goal is 400mm, then neither a 70-200mm f/2.8 (any) + 2x extender nor a 300mm f/4 + 1.4x extender is the optimal choice to achieve 400mm f/5.6 - the optimal choice there is the 400mm f/5.6 prime or the 100-400mm zoom.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gian Luca
    I tried to compare the 135 f2 on the ISO12233 Chart, both at f2.8, I have the impression that the new 70-200 is as sharp as the prime. Am I right?

    No, I don't think you are. While I agree with Jon that the EF 70-200 f/2.8L IS II outperforms the EF 200mm f/2.8L II, comparing theEF 70-200 f/2.8L IS II to the EF 135mm f/2 at f/2.8, the prime is just slightly sharper than the zoom at the center, but the prime is noticeably sharper at mid-frame and the corners. The zoom is sharper across the frame at 135mm f/2.8 than the prime is at f/2 - but the prime is at f/2! So, if you need maximum sharpness at 135mm, or if you need f/2, the EF 135mm f/2L is still the best choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan Carnathan
    Tell us what you think of the<span class="PageTitle"]Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II USM Lens.

    I think the lens is awesome, and your review is excellent, thorough (as usual!), and just adds the final point to my decision to purchase this lens!

  3. #13

    Re: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II USM Lens Review

    At, a Dutch web-store, the 70-200 II costs nearly as much as a 5DII+24-105 combo. So if I would spend this amount on canon-gear, my choice(upgrading from a rebel), would be ofcourse the combo.

    But nevertheless, if I would ever have luck in the lottery, I would at that time certainly buy the 70-200 III, imagine what the markIII version would look like

  4. #14
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    Re: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II USM Lens Review

    Comparing the iso charts for the 100-400mm to the Mark II with the 2X extender, they seem to very similar at 400. Thoughts?

    Also it seems to me that there is a decrease in sharpness when going from f/4 to f5.6 and beyond. Anyone else notice this.


  5. #15
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Boston, MA

    Re: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II USM Lens Review

    Quote Originally Posted by abrama94
    Also it seems to me that there is a decrease in sharpness when going from f/4 to f5.6 and beyond. Anyone else notice this.

    No, I don't see this. It's remarkable that there's not an increase in sharpness as you stop down from f/2.8 to f/4-5.6 with this lens (but, for example, there is a slight increase in sharpness at 70mm (sample 1) in the mid-frame, with stopping down. It's a testament to the quality of the lens that's is as sharp wide open as stopped down 1-2 stops. At very small apertures (above f/11) diffraction is starting to have an effect with the 1Ds III sensor, so you'd expect increasing 'softness' there.

    Quote Originally Posted by abrama94

    Comparing the iso charts for the 100-400mm to the Mark II with the 2X extender, they seem to very similar at 400. Thoughts?

    To me, the 100-400mm at 400mm looks noticeably sharper at the center and mid-frame; corner sharpness is similar between the 100-400mm and the 70-200 II + 2x.

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