First off, I shoot for my high school paper and yearbook. I've been at it for two years now and I'm the photo editor for both the paper and yearbook. So I have only a small amount of experience, and very minimal gear.

That said, I was out in the rain for 3 hours this afternoon shooting a track meet in the rain and I was wondering what weather sealing techniques others use to keep their equipment dry (outside weather sealed 1DIII's and a 70-200 IS or a 400 f/2.8). I basically wrapped my XSi and 75-300mm in fairly heavy plastic and tape (which worked wonderfully at keeping everything dry) but was a major bother and softened the image through the view finder so much that I couldn't tell if anything was in focus and had a hard time telling people apart.

Anyone have any good solutions for wet weather photography that don't break the bank and are fairly simple and easy to use and reuse? Does such a thing even exist?
