Hello everyone!

This would in fact be my first post here. I'm really happy to see a forum here on this site since I visit it daily even without it. I am still new to photography as I just started about two years ago. I have found it difficult to move forward in this profession due to the cost of the equipment and I come from a rather poor family. This current photo seems to be everyone's favorite and I happen to like it as well. However there's something missing that I cannot put my finger on. This was shot with a 350D and Sigma 28-70 so there is some softness on the edges and barrel distortion is present. As for the rest of the specs: f/8, 25sec, ISO 200, 28mm

I hope to get some good opinions and look forward to reading more posts here as more and more people learn about this forum. I know I have spread the word. Thanks!!

