Quote Originally Posted by Bob Williams

I meant to take saturation down to say -30- -50, so not all of the color is gone but subdued, and that would give you kind of a sepia effect.

Thanks Bob, I interpreted your choice of words differently. My bad[:$]now it's clear for me though [Y]

Nice examples Denise.

A lot of baby-shots in black and white are done with just converting to black and white. And a lot of times the babies get this "corpse" look then. A dead grey look. I don't like that at all and with this method youcould still keep a tint of skincolor while having your image "black and white". I personally think it looks way better and more alive [:P]

A side-effect when playing with these sliders is that you can also alter specific color ranges. For instance you can make all green going blue... Can be creative []