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Thread: What is the "BEST" way to transfer images from the camora to the computer??

  1. #11
    Senior Member Rocco's Avatar
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    Meh, I just use lightroom. As far as the method, I suppose that depends on the PC. If you have a PC that has a mobo with usb3.0 support then of course something like the Kingston external usb3.0 card reader would be the faster choice. I suppose the real answer will the the 1dx's Ethernet cable connection.
    Adobe, give us courage to edit what photos must be altered, serenity to delete what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other.
    Canon EOS 7D - Canon EF-s 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM - Canon 100mm f/2.8L IS Macro - PCB Einsteins & PW Triggers

  2. #12
    Just one piece of advise if you don't mind? When transferring regards of method used, never and I repeat never 'move photos to' always 'copy photos to'. That way if anything can go wrong and things do, your card will still have to info (photos) still there. Personally I use a card reader. I make sure I use one from a reputable company, and not a 'no name cheapo brand' .

  3. #13
    I use a Lexar Firewire 800 card reader in conjunction with with fast CF cards as this is much quicker than the cameras USB port.
    My computer automatically opens Canons Camera Window (part of Imagebrowser/Zoombrowser)
    I have this set to put the files in a new sub-folder (it asks me for a new folder name each time) which is in a year folder

    The part I don't like and don't know a way round is that after downloading it opens Imagebrowser which I don't use ever, I'd like it to go straight into DPP, but am unable to see how that can be done.
    Last edited by Mark Sanderson; 11-19-2011 at 12:09 AM.

  4. #14
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Boston, MA
    Mark, could you just specify DPP as the default app to handle .CR2 files?

  5. #15
    I have set DPP as the default app for .CR2 files, which will of course automatically open DPP when clicking on a RAW file, but there is no import facility in DPP.

    You would just have to create a folder then drag and drop the files. You can't set it up so that you push card into the reader and the images are automatically downloaded in to a new folder and then DPP automatically starts with your new images showing.

    What I like about Camera Window is that it asks for a new folder name each time, which I find very useful for keeping each event/session separate, just a shame you cant have it import and just shut down without opening any other software.

    Not a big issue, more a little niggle, and getting less so as I now use Aperture for most of my photo work.

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