Right, as usual I'm having a right royal pain trying to make my mind up about a purchase.

I have a 60D, 15-85mm IS USM and 30mm f/2.0 and I'm looking for something somewhere between that and the plain old point and shoot I have on my camera phone (HTC One X for what it's worth). Its main use would be street photography. Carrying with me everywhere and being a bit less intrusive than a medium sized SLR Plus Zoom, but still capable of reasonable image quality in varying light situations.

I have a friend who absolutely adores his Fuji X100, but I think it might be slightly out of budget for something I want to be able to abuse a bit. I want to be able to throw it in a bag without care, take it on holiday without having to worry about it getting sunlotion, sand, etc. in/on/all over it.

So naturally, I'm looking one down the rung at the X10. It really does look like a wonderful little camera. The manual zoom is a bit of a bonus, especially as it's f/2.8 at the long end. Their sensor pattern also intrigues me. How much extra help does it give in real-world terms?

I've seen it compared a lot with the Olympus xz-1 which is a bit smaller, but lacks the viewfinder. Are there any other options I should be looking at? And can anyone help shed some light on the choices?