
I recently found out there are some marks on all the photo I'd taken but I could not get rid of them even I had wiped the lens and blow the camera sensors area with a blower. The marks are just like those formed if you have some water droplets on your lens /
lens filter, like when taking photo in the rain.

1. Could that due to fungus in the lens?

2. What should I do to remove it?

3. Is sending it to Canon service center able to remove it?

4. Will the removal process affect the quality and build of the camera and/or lens?

5. Is this kind of service common to camera? (just like car need to send in to workshop for maintenance service)

6. I also like to know if fungus posts serious problem to you guys with all the expensive Canon lenses? My camera & lens will always be in the drybox when I am not traveling. I had only taken out my camera from my drybox for 2 weeks while I was in Vietnam. 2 weeks later I brought it along to Singapore for 1 week, and I got the spots...

If it is so easy to get fungus on the lens, what is the point of spending money on expensive L lenses as fungus will easily ruin the quality of the image later? Is this only happen to camera owners in Asian countries due to the weather? (then you guys in other parts of the world are so lucky...)

7. Also, I noticed that while I was in Vietnam, due to the hot and humid weather, my camera and lens were blurred for 5 minutes or so when I went outdoor into the hot sun after I visited some shopping malls with air conditioning. How to prevent this kind of lens blur? Is it harmful to lens and camera?