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Thread: Lightroom Computer Advise

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Mesa, AZ, USA

    Thanks for that info. I followed the suggestions and see my problem with the Windows system. #8 is the big one - 15000+ images in the catalog while I just started using the catalog on my 11" Macbook. #2 made a big difference as well - in fact #2 - #7 each make a difference. Now all I need to do is to figure out how I want to move to multiple catalogs so I don't keep building Goliath here!!
    Let No One Walk Alone

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Steilacoom, WA
    I found that splitting up the catalog created more hassles than it was worth and ended up loosing some edits in the process (I still don't understand how I lost the edits). That was 18 months ago. Now I have a catalog per project and most projects are under 800 raw files (except time lapse projects). Just remember to be really specific about the catalog name, I wasn't in the beginning and now I hate having to search for a specific file.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Mesa, AZ, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Lumens View Post
    Now all I need to do is to figure out how I want to move to multiple catalogs
    Manofmayo66 -> that was my thought when I said this. I lost all my edits for 2011 to 2014 pretty much the same way. Not really sure how, other than having too many catalogs and getting them confused. I recovered by starting over and making only one catalog.

    So now I am talking about re-organizing again. First priority will be a good solid backup up what I have now. Then I need to decide on a way to re-name and organize into a logical group of catalogs. I believe I know how to break the one apart but I am not sure how to organize my naming convention to keep things organized. I need some time to think about this one.
    Let No One Walk Alone

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Steilacoom, WA
    I found that if I listed the date first, a quick search of the project was more difficult (I am at 83 catalogs now). Now it is listed by the project, date, and then any last other info. Then for really quick reference I have yearly catalogs of small jpegs only, with the project tagged. It mostly seems to work.
    Way too much gear and even more lighting equipment.

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