Originally Posted by ddt0725
I think you are underestimating your skills but I understand your sentiment. It is easy to get boxed in to what you do for a living and not be able to pursue what you would really want to do. All the hobbies I have had, they never had the ability to be turned in to a profession that would pay me as much as I make doing what I do. It would be real sweet if that opportunity would ever present it self.
When your Passion is your Profession...you will be successful.
Denise, I feel for you. Been in the same situation. I will just echo a few other peoples sediments, don't do anything rash. Let the shock and grief wear off then decide what to do. John (neuro's) advice about not being able to look for a job 100% of the time and having something to keep your spirits up, it is very good advice.
Best of Luck