<span style="color: #003300;"]I hope this is the proper forum for this question but it relates to software processing so....

Can any one recommend a EXIF analyzer that works on Canon RAW files (I rarely shoot JPGs anymore)?

I asked The Google, and found a few tools out there but the forum
threads were years old and the tools appeared to only work on JPGs.

I am looking for an analysis of how I take pictures. Yeah, I know I am
getting deep into my neurosis, but hey, aren't most of us here a little
off? I would like to know what focal lengths I use the most. My friend
is prepared to buy a very expensive, long lens and he wanted to know
how I use my Canon 70-200 2.8 IS II? After thinking about it, I
probably use it most at 200mm. Therefore, why buy a zoom and not get a
prime thus either saving some money or maybe getting a better lens?
Hmmmm.... Well that got the geek-ball rolling and now I want to know
what f-stop, etc etc etc.

Any help with this request? Even a software tool to dump EXIF data
would be great as I am a wiz at Excel and therefore can generate the
analysis if I can just get my hands o

n the data. My camera is a 5D MK