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Thread: C&C for this flower shot: Sharp enough?

  1. #11

    Re: C&C for this flower shot: Sharp enough?

    Quote Originally Posted by MrGreenBug
    Here's another shot of it in a closer and a different angle but the details are more soft. Any thoughts on this one?

    I like this one better than the first one. It is very nice. One thing I would do is change the "(c) 2009" in the corner to "© 2009". To get the © symbol on a Windows computer, press "Alt" while typing 0169 on the 10-key, and it will make the © symbol automatically. On a Mac, I think that "Cmd" + "G" will make the © symbol, but I'm not sure.

  2. #12
    Senior Member MrGreenBug's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    Quezon City, Philippines

    Re: C&C for this flower shot: Sharp enough?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShutterbugJohan

    I like this one better than the first one. It is very nice. One thing I would do is change the "(c) 2009" in the corner to "© 2009". To get the © symbol on a Windows computer, press "Alt" while typing 0169 on the 10-key, and it will make the © symbol automatically. On a Mac, I think that "Cmd" + "G" will make the © symbol, but I'm not sure.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Thank you so much for the &copy; tip! I was trying to figure that out but wasn't in the mood to look it up. [] I'm glad that you liked the new photo.

    Best regards!

    AnGelo Chiu (MrGreenBug in Flickr), Blog:

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