This is what my thought process was when I took it. I wanted it to look like the end of a long day with Big E heading home and the setting sun bouncing off him. I was thinking (which often gets me in trouble) if he was on the left of the shot, it would "feel" more like the start of a day with most of the frame to fly through so I cropped him to the right. The color turned out really flat and dark, and I added this black border and threw in the fancy name plate to keep it from looking so blahhh (not that it helped a lot). What should I do or have done to dress this thing up during or after capture, or should I just deep-six this thing and start over? The good stuff: Shot on 40D with a Tamron 70(?)-300 macro set to 259 at F/11 with a shutter speed of 1/1250 and ISO-400. I prolly should have dropped the shutter down a little to help out the ISO given the slow speed of the bird but only had the camera for a month at the time and wasn't for sure when things start to blur.
