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Thread: should we start a 24-70 f/2.8 L *IS* petition?

  1. #11

    Re: should we start a 24-70 f/2.8 L *IS* petition?

    they probably will release with IS on PMA... thats the rumors.

  2. #12
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    Re: should we start a 24-70 f/2.8 L *IS* petition?

    What exactly is it that you could do with the 17-55 that you can't with the 24-105? The 24-105 on a full frame body is wider at the wide end and longer at the long end than the 17-55 on a 1.6 fovcf body. It is also faster: f/4 on a full frame body is like f/2.5 on a 1.6 fovcf body, both in terms of dof and light gathering.

  3. #13

    Re: should we start a 24-70 f/2.8 L *IS* petition?


    I don't thinkits true tosay it is faster. I agree with the DOF comment. But f4 is f4. Full frame has better high iso, but thats not the same thing.


  4. #14
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    Re: should we start a 24-70 f/2.8 L *IS* petition?

    To me it seems to be exactly the same thing. If sensor 1 is twice as big as sensor 2, iso 800 on sensor 1 has the same noise as iso 400 on sensor 2. So you can get the same shutter speed with the same noise with f/4 on the bigger sensor as f/2.8 on the smaller sensor.

    You could say, "well, the difference is the sensor, not the lens. F/4 is f/4." But if the f/2.8 lens can't illuminate the bigger sensor, I think the terminology is appropriate. The 24-105 lens is actually capable of getting more light onto a ccd at f/4 than the 17-55 is at f/2.8. Similarly, I would call an f/4 medium format lens faster than an f/2.8 35mm one, because the medium format lens gets more light to the sensor (or film).

    That's just terminology, though, and if you think I am crazy for using the word "faster" that is cool My main point is that I don't see any major disadvantage of the 24-105 f/4 on a full frame as compared to 17-55 f/2.8 on a 1.6 fovcf camera.

  5. #15

    Re: should we start a 24-70 f/2.8 L *IS* petition?

    Yes please .... I want one.

    The 24-70 is most probably my most used lens. I use it especially indoors (churches etc) and would love IS.

  6. #16
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    Re: should we start a 24-70 f/2.8 L *IS* petition?

    It isn't that a 24-70 is wouldn't be great. It would be.

    But the two lenses I would most like to have with IS are the 100mm macro and the 135mm f/2.

    Macro because you never have enough light for macro, it seems, since one is always stopping down to very large effective f/ numbers, and because one often does a lot of cropping. And it isn't always convenient or possible to follow a bee or butterfly or whatever through the bushes with a tripod. Yes, you can use flash, but sometimes one wants natural light. Am I the only one that has this problem? I've taken to using my 70-200 IS with extension tubes at times for butterflies.

    And the 135 f/2 because, even at f/2, the thing isn't that hand-holdable in low light due to the long fl. A 4-stop IS would be huge.

  7. #17

    Re: should we start a 24-70 f/2.8 L *IS* petition?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle

    To me it seems to be exactly the same thing. If sensor 1 is twice as big as sensor 2, iso 800 on sensor 1 has the same noise as iso 400 on sensor 2. So you can get the same shutter speed with the same noise with f/4 on the bigger sensor as f/2.8 on the smaller sensor.

    You could say, "well, the difference is the sensor, not the lens. F/4 is f/4." But if the f/2.8 lens can't illuminate the bigger sensor, I think the terminology is appropriate. The 24-105 lens is actually capable of getting more light onto a ccd at f/4 than the 17-55 is at f/2.8. Similarly, I would call an f/4 medium format lens faster than an f/2.8 35mm one, because the medium format lens gets more light to the sensor (or film).

    That's just terminology, though, and if you think I am crazy for using the word "faster" that is cool My main point is that I don't see any major disadvantage of the 24-105 f/4 on a full frame as compared to 17-55 f/2.8 on a 1.6 fovcf camera.

    there's still a difference.. trust me. i knew that 17-55mm like the back of my hand, and it was definitely a faster lens. you are spot on with the DOF comment, but that's not what i'm looking for.. the 24-105 pleases in every respect when it comes to DOF. when i'm having to use higher ISOs and/or shutter speeds with this lens wide open than i had to with my 17-55mm.. i would say that 2.8 is still faster, be it on a crop *or* a full frame.

  8. #18

    Re: should we start a 24-70 f/2.8 L *IS* petition?


    I think the 17-55 2.8 is able toget the same amount of light onto the cropped sensoras the 24-105 is on the larger one. They both use a 77mm filter so I am guessing they allow about the same in. The 17-55 just directs it into a smaller image circle. The light on that smaller circle will be brighter per unit area than the 24-105, hence 2.8.I think the ISO vs actual noise argument holds some water, I need to think about that one a bit. I am really not trying to argue and apologize if it seems that way.


  9. #19
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    Re: should we start a 24-70 f/2.8 L *IS* petition?

    No, it doesn't seem like you are trying to argue. We're both just trying to get at the truth, not to put each other down.

    I think you are right about "same light but spread out" point, and that is a good way to think about it. But I don't think the filter size is a good indication of this. For example, the 17-40mm f/4 has at most a 10mm effective aperture when wide open (40mm at f/4 means 40mm/4 = 10mm aperture), so you might guess it has a tiny filter size. But it also takes a 77mm filter. I don't know anything about optics so I don't know why this is true. Maybe it has to do with avoiding vignetting on a lens that has to illuminate a sensor that is large compared to its focal length.

  10. #20
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    Re: should we start a 24-70 f/2.8 L *IS* petition?

    Quote Canon Rumors:

    "EF 24-70 f/2.8L II IS
    - Possibly the most sought after lens Canonites are lusting after. Match Nikon’s optics and add IS? You’d have a massive sales success. It almost wouldn’t matter what it cost."

    True. I'll immediately sell my 24-70L and get one regardless how much it would cost.

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