Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
Unlike Trowski, I've not had any dust issues with the 17-55mm. One reason may be that I keep a B+W MRC UV filter on it at all times (as I do on all my lenses - even most 'weather-sealed' L lenses require a filter to complete the seal).

I also keep a UV filter (actually a clear protection filter, same idea though) on my lenses at all times as well. I don't really like traveling with lens caps, just one more thing to fiddle with and potentially lose. If there was a way I could avoid the end caps and not stuffer the dusty sensor consequences I would! The dust problems I was experiencing with the 17-55mm might have come from frequent changes to a polarizing filter or ND filters when I was doing landscape shooting. Bryan mentioned in his review that he didn't experience dust issues with the copy he tested, so it might have also vary from copy to copy.Plus my lens was from 2007, from the research I've done it sounds like recent copies handle dust better.

Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
Personally, I think the 17-55mm is the best general purpose zoom for a crop body.

I full agree. I took 75% of my photos with this lens when I only owned a crop body, and was sad to part with it. I would have kept it, but it just wasn't going to get used since I was using the 5DII for most things non-sports and non-telephoto.

Quote Originally Posted by MikeG2012
Sounds like the 17-55 is the way to go. My wallet will be happy!

Looks like you've already decided on the 17-55mm. It's a great lens, enjoy it!

Here's a hand-held photo I took with the lens, just to give you an idea of what IS can do for you with landscapes.

Shannon Falls, British Columbia

1/10 @ f/16 ISO 100
