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Thread: Need some input for a new monitor

  1. #11

    Re: Need some input for a new monitor

    Hey Bill.

    First off, I really advice that you get a NEC/Eizo monitor.

    I've got a big Samsung LCD monitor here in my office and it's a nightmare combination with my photography, especially if I have to send it of to a labratory to get it printed. Because I've got about 5 tweeking programs installed that all say something very happily like this, "if you're monitor color matches the color of the little colored bar then you're monitor is perfectly configured!" And in the mean while I'm starting to get the impression that I'm starting into the sun, not even starting about the print... [:|]

    I'm agreeingcompletly with Chuck's rant.

    A little extra investment, and a lot less frustration, it seems a fair deal to me.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Need some input for a new monitor

    IMO if you pay ~$600 for a nice MVA, etc monitor you'll be satisfied, I also agree with Bill ... spend the extra $$ on the glass.

    Sure if you're using your monitor all the time for professional photo editing, video editing, etc.. spend the money on the NEC, etc. But generally a nice MVA+ LCD will do the trick. Just stay away from the TN panels as advised earlier.

    People are getting old and grumpy I think I'm glad I could buy a nice LCD for $700.. when I paid $850 for my 15" CRT 10+ years ago and that I can get 4Gb of RAM for $200 when I paid $800 for 64MB a while back

    It's no different then the TVs that are pumped out... manufactures cut costs/corners/etc just to get someone a "pretty LCD" that goes on the wall, but you get what you pay for. That's why I have a back-lit LED LCD TV at home that cost me an arm & leg compared to others I could of paid 1/2-1/3 of the price I paid for mine. But when I watch a 720/1080p movie I want it to look sexy.

    So if your budget is ~$700 get the HP or DELL IMO and enjoy it. And spend your extra cash on some L glass... or save up and get the NEC if you really care that much.

    Just my 2 cents!

  3. #13
    Senior Member alex's Avatar
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Need some input for a new monitor

    I'm not in the market for a new monitor right now, there are lenses I would want to get first, I think. But I can't save for those either, because I can barely afford to support my wife and two boys on the income I make now.

    I agree with Chuck and Bill wholeheartedly. I've become very cynical the last few years about the great ol' USA. The greed drives EVERYTHING, and it's sickening. When costs go up, prices go up to maintain profit margin as much as possible. When costs drop, prices stay the same because all of a sudden they have a higher profit margin that just dropped in their lap! Just look at corn prices and gas prices. Do you think food prices have dropped since the price of those items fell through the floor after last year? Nope, course not.

    I'm done. [:@]

    So about monitors, it's funny, I was just swearing to my wife the other day that I would never buy another HP product (their networking SUCKS, and their customer service is AWFUL). I have a 7-year old HP desktop and a three-year old HP printer that is nothing but a pain in the *ss.

    I have an LCD, but I can't remember if it's a Samsung or a Viewsonic. (I'm not at home to tell right now, oops.) It's not optimized for color accuracy at all. I notice that when my images do get printed, they are much more contrasty than what I had on my screen. Not good, especially with portraits or candids.

    My thoughts....

    R6 II --- RF 14-35mm f/4L IS --- RF 24-105mm f/4L IS --- RF 100-400mm F5.6-8 IS
    70D --- EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 --- EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS --- EF 70-200mm f/4L IS --- EF 85mm f/1.8

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