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Thread: Anyone Got the 7D?

  1. #11
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Printezis
    The very low DLA is the only thing that's making me nervous about buying it.

    I'm holding off on getting the 200mm f/2 for the same reason []

  2. #12
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Well, 2 big advantages of full frame vs. APS-C sensors if you ask me are:

    1. Better bokeh.

    2. Bigger viewfinder []

  3. #13
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oren

    Well, 2 big advantages of full frame vs. APS-C sensors if you ask me are:

    1. Better bokeh.

    2. Bigger viewfinder [img]/emoticons/emotion-2.gif[/img]
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Then with the introduction of the 7d half of your advantages are no longer issues. []

  4. #14
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Elberson

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Printezis
    Quote Originally Posted by Don Burkett
    I've had it since Monday, this weekend will be the first serious IQ test, but so far it is a very very worthy upgrade from my 40d.
    Don, thanks for sharing your experience with us. Could I ask for a favor? Any chance of posting some 100% crops of shots taken at narrow apertures (f/10 or narrower)? I'm really curious to see how much diffraction would affect the shots. The very low DLA is the only thing that's making me nervous about buying it.

    Thank you,


    Check out this thread : [url="/forums/t/1055.aspx?PageIndex=4]Myth busted: smaller pixels have more noise, less dynamic range, worse diffraction, etc.[/url]

    Now my rough calculation of the 7D is that it&rsquo;s DLA is 6.9. Would I be like Bryan and regretted going much past f/8 with the 7D?

    [quote=Daniel Browning]
    If you are happy with *some* improvement, then you will not regret it. Diffraction will never cause the 7D to have *worse* resolution. But in extreme circumstances (e.g. f/22+) it will only be the same, not better. At f/11, the returns will be diminished so that the 7D is only somewhat better. (If you use the special software below, you can get those returns back.) In order to enjoy the full benefit of the additional resolution, one must avoid going past the DLA.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    I'm certain official reviews will start to hit the web pretty soon.

    No offense, I don't mind sharing my opinions but I bought the camera to take photos, not psychoanalyze it.

  5. #15
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Saw a guy shooting with a 7D yesterday, I was envious []. But then my lens is bigger than his []. Anyways, I can't wait to see both professional and user reviews of this camera.Three things that really attract me are: 1.6 crops great for what I shoot, 18 megapixels I can crop the heck out of it and assuming better autofocus than my 40D.

  6. #16
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShutterbugJohan

    I don't see why so many people think that FF sensors are the greatest, when they can buy a digital medium format camera--a "fuller full-frame". [img]/emoticons/emotion-5.gif[/img]

    I would love a medium format digital but I can not justify $15,000+.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShutterbugJohan

    For what I photograph, the 7D would be nothing less than AMAZING!
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    All the canon DSLRs are AMAZING.

  7. #17

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by clemmb

    Quote Originally Posted by ShutterbugJohan

    I don't see why so many people think that FF sensors are the greatest, when they can buy a digital medium format camera--a "fuller full-frame". [img]/emoticons/emotion-5.gif[/img]

    I would love a medium format digital but I can not justify $15,000+.

    I was trying to make a point that different people need different size sensors; the FF 5D Mk II is not a "more serious" camera than the APS-C 7D; they are both serious cameras and are targeted at two totally different types of photographers.

    Quote Originally Posted by clemmb

    Quote Originally Posted by ShutterbugJohan

    For what I photograph, the 7D would be nothing less than AMAZING!
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    All the canon DSLRs are AMAZING.

    I agree; they all have their niche and they fill their role well.

  8. #18
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Hmmm Don... the viewfinder in the 7D is 100% coverage but it's not as large as, say, a 5D viewfinder. Am I missing something? It's a APS-C camera, and so the viewfinder's size should match it.

  9. #19
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Stealthily :-), Bryan added comparative shots from the 50D, 7D, 5DmkII etc. to his 7D review page. I have to say, I am not impressed.


  10. #20
    Senior Member Mark Elberson's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by Don Burkett

    I'm certain official reviews will start to hit the web pretty soon.

    No offense, I don't mind sharing my opinions but I bought the camera to take photos, not psychoanalyze it.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    The point was that even though the 7D has a lower DLA than other 1.6 FOVCF sensors, it will still resolve more detail. I was hoping to set Tony's mind at ease. I'll leave the analysis to Daniel Browing for he does it better than most, but I have learned a ton from reading his posts and thought I would try to share the knowledge.

    Enjoy your 7D. It seems to be an awesome body. If I didn't have a 50D (and a serious craving for a 5D) it would certainly make my wishlist :-)

    By the way, I love your macro work so I am very excited to see some examples from your new camera!

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